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14 in NY Issue : CHRISHABANA “ありのままの自分でいること/You just have to be yourself as much as you can”

NeoL / 2019年4月10日 17時0分

14 in NY Issue : CHRISHABANA “ありのままの自分でいること/You just have to be yourself as much as you can”

進路が少しずつ重きを増してきて、身体も気持ちも毎日少しずつ変化する14歳の頃、いま楽しく仕事したり生活している先輩たちはどんなことを考えて、どんなことをしていたんだろう。そんなファイルを作りたいと始まった「14歳」特集に、NYのアーティストたちが参加。その第一弾は「New York New Work(NYNW/2019年3月にルミネゼロで開催されたNYのデザイナーたちによるアートエキシビション)」のアートディレクターを務めたデザイナーの CHRISHABANA。映画『ゴースト・イン・ザ・シェル』のジュエリーデザインにも携わるなどメインストリームでも活躍する彼は14歳の頃、どんなことを考えていたのだろうか。

――まずNew York New Work(NYNW)でのあなたの展示のコンセプトを教えてください。




――Can you tell us about your concept?

CHRISHABANA : I always go back to what my work’s roots are looking like. Which is always very much a blend of something that evokes a sense of tension, a little bit of fear. I also like making items and things that are a little more aggressive and scary. But apart from that, because the theme that I had directed for the exhibitions was the house, I wanted to choose a specific part of the house for my exhibition. So, I chose an interpretation of a bathroom - a toilet. That’s why you see the tile over here. But I wanted to make it feel like the jewelry would come crashing on her. So I wanted to hang all of my jewelry and even make a piece on the bra that looks like it could be a little bit painful.

――Does this also take inspiration from water?

CHRISHABANA : Oh, for sure. It feels like rain to me a little. But all of the rain is silver. Also the pieces that we make are all pretty much sterling silver in this collection, and so that’s how the interpretation was.




CHRISHABANA「いや、いろんなデザイナーとコラボをすることも多いので、意外とテーマを与えられる機会は多いですよ。ちょうど今朝もデザイナーに頼まれてジュエリーを作りに行ったんです。ACUOD by CHANUというデザイナーで、今朝アマゾンファッションウィークで彼のショーがあって、指輪などを作ってきました。普段はわりと簡単にアイデアが浮かびますが、今回の展示はもう少し考える時間が必要でしたね」




CHRISHABANA 「全体のディレクションは“スペクトラム”がテーマでした。いろんな人たちのライフスタイルをどうやって一つにするかを考えることに意味があったのです。だからなんらかの壁を作り、それぞれ違うみんなのオリジナリティーがあるんだけど、それらを一つにして家の中に迎え入れるという形で表現しました。それで“ハウス”というコンセプトになったわけです」

――From when did you start thinking about forming this work?

CHRISHABANA : I will be very honest with you: It took a little while. I had the idea, but it was a little while before I finally realized the concept. For some reason combining the house concept with my own concept was a little bit hard.

――Is it unusual for you to be given a theme from someone, and then you have to think about how to work with it?

CHRISHABANA : Actually no because we do so many types of collaborations especially with a lot of other designers. Actually this morning, there’s a designer that I went to do jewelry for. His name is ACUOD by CHANU. He shows in Amazon fashion. So this morning, it was his fashion show. Here, I’ll show you (shows photos). This morning we did the jewelry, made rings etc. So normally it comes to me very easily. But I feel like sometimes things come very quickly and sometimes things you think about a little bit, so this is one of those times that we just thought about it a little bit.

――Did you direct all of this?

CHRISHABANA : The art direction, yes. So HB France, even last year they asked me to do it again where I would concept what the direction was artistically, in the videos that you saw on the outside, the idea of the house, all of that.

――For this exhibition, what is the most important thing that you wanted to convey?

CHRISHABANA : Well, the overall direction of the show was called ‘spectrum’. For us it meant something where we took different lifestyles of different people and how to unify it. And so when we were thinking about the space, we wanted to do a very different concept from last season so we wanted to create a wall. So I thought what better way to bring everyone together and celebrate everyone’s differences by welcoming them into a house. Which is why we created a house concept.


CHRISHABANA 「わあ、いい特集ですね。14歳の頃はサンフランシスコの高校に通っていました。私はゲイの男性ですが、高校の頃はまだカミングアウトしていなくて、でもそれを恐れてはいなかったんです。その頃から自分のアイデアはちゃんと表現していたんです。変な格好をしてたし、とてもアーティスティクだったと思います。ゲイの子はいじめられたりすることが多いけれど、僕はそんな経験を一切しなかったんです。変な格好をしていたし、背も低かったにもかかわらずね。いじめに合わなかったのは自分に自信があったからというのと、いろいろ特に意識していなかったのもあると思う。“自分はこうあるべき”という認識がなかったので、自然と自分らしく育ちました。今もその頃もそうだけど、自分がやりたいようにやっていました」






CHRISHABANA 「100%そうです。私たちが作るジュエリーは人が見慣れている形とは違います。ジュエリーというカテゴリーでもそうでなくても、人とは違うところで戦うのが好きなんです。自分の人生や気分の変化に沿ってデザインが変わってくるし、作るもの全てがとてもパーソナルなものです」


CHRISHABANA 「いくつか楽しみにしてることがあります。ニューヨークで自分たちのポップアップを開く予定です。前季は少しダーティーでセクシャルなテーマだったので、Cam4というウェブカメラを写しあえるサイトの会社にスポンサーしてもらったのですが、今回も8月あmつにその会社にポップアップのスポンサーになってもらって開催予定です。ポップアップと同時に自分達のショーもやるつもりです。その二つが一番大きいニュースで、あとはJazzelleZanaughttiというモデルとサングラスのコラボを発表します。彼女はインスタグラムUglyworldwideでも人気を集めています。楽しみにしておいてください」

――For the month of April, we are going to have a feature about what each designer thought or experienced when they were 14 years old. So we want to ask you: Did you think about becoming a designer when you were 14?

CHRISHABANA :Wow, when I was 14 years old I was in high school in San Francisco. It’s funny, I am a gay man and so when I was in high school I wasn’t out, but I wasn’t scared either. Even in high school I was still expressing my ideas. I dressed very weird, and I was very artistic even back then. But I think the funny thing is, usually when people are growing up gay they get kind of bullied or very much pushed around. However for me, nothing like that happened. And I dressed very crazy and I was very small too. But the cool part and a part of the reason why no one had messed around with me is because I was very confident. I also was unaware. I didn’t know that I was supposed to be a certain way, so I just developed the way I did myself. I think how I am as a person now, which is how I was back then, was that I just did what I wanted to do.

――Would you say that fashion gave you the power to be able to think that way?

CHRISHABANA :I would say. I never felt very sad or pushed back I just did my own thing. But I think that people see that in you, and they don’t see any reason to get mad at you or push you around, they just kind of accept it because you accept yourself so much. It’s just something that people get. It’s very hard too, because the whole thing that we’re doing is very inclusive to LGBT people, but I know in Japan it’s not really accepted yet. So I did a speech yesterday over here, and I said that I wish the audience could see themselves in the exhibition because I hope that any LGBTQ people in Japan and in Tokyo in particular can feel stronger when leaving.

――There are many people who don’t have confidence in themselves or feel insecure, but you have a very cool fashion and you know how to express yourself. What would you advise for people to be more confident in themselves?

CHRISHABANA :A lot of people who don’t have confidence, they feel that the world is making them not confident in a way. But if you just naturally feel that way about yourself, I think you will find that the world will turn around to what you do. And it’s a hard lesson to learn, it’s not a lesson that you pick up just like that. It’s something that you grow into, it’s something that sometimes you have it, and sometimes you have to develop it. At the end of the day, you just have to be yourself as much as you can, it’s really the only way. The thing is, it’s a lesson that everyone says. Everyone says “be yourself, be yourself” but it’s harder to understand. And don’t try and think that it’s someone else doing it to you. If you feel that someone is making you feel unconfident, look at yourself first and see if you are confident in yourself or if you can exude that confidence and then see what happens. Because sometimes you’ll find people that actually look at you and say, “Oh, this person is cool. I have no power on them so I’m not gonna do anything.”

――Do you think your beliefs are connected to your works?

CHRISHABANA :100 percent, all the way through. The way we make our jewelry is, the shapes are very different from what people see normally. I like going against other territories, not just jewelry. I feel like my mood and the way my life moves, everything moves with that too and I just let it happen. Everything that I do is personal to my work. It’s personal to me.

――Do you have any news or upcoming events that you want to share to the readers?

CHRISHABANA :There are a few things coming up. The one that I’m very excited about is in New York, we’re actually gonna have our own pop-up shop. We’re being sponsored by a company called Cam4. It’s a little dirty, Cam4 is a website that you can do webcam to each other. So it’s very sexual. But our last theme for our last show was a very sexual theme, so this company sponsored us then, and they want to sponsor us again for this pop-up shop. That’ll happen in late August. And we’re gonna have our own show as well on top of the pop-up shop. So that’s my biggest news. Oh and actually, you know we started as a sunglasses line for ourselves. So this style (shows photo). We’re doing a collaboration with sunglasses with this model - her name is Jazelle Zanaghtti. Uglyworldwide is her instagram so we’re going to have collaboration in sunglasses with her.

text & edit Ryoko Kuwahara

チャイナタウンにアトリエを持つ、フィリピン系アメリカ人のジュエリーデザイナー。パンクやトライバルな要素を持つ洗練された斬新なジェエリーを発表し続けている。映画『Ghost In The Shell』のジュエリーデザインも一部手がけ、ポップスターにも支持を得ている。
IG: @chrishabana  












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