14 Issue : Pierre Davis and Arin Hayes(Nosesso)”戦い続ければ必ず最後に勝てる/ Always trust in yourself and believe in yourself and just keep going. ”
NeoL / 2019年4月17日 19時15分
14 Issue : Pierre Davis and Arin Hayes(Nosesso)”戦い続ければ必ず最後に勝てる/ Always trust in yourself and believe in yourself and just keep going. ”
進路が少しずつ重きを増してきて、身体も気持ちも毎日少しずつ変化する14歳の頃、いま楽しく仕事したり生活している先輩たちはどんなことを考えて、どんなことをしていたんだろう。そんなファイルを作りたいと始まった「14歳」特集に、NYを筆頭とした海外アーティストたちが参加。「New York New Work(NYNW/2019年3月にルミネゼロで開催されたNYのデザイナーたちによるアートエキシビション)」のため来日を果たしたLA発のデザイナーデュオNosesso。自身たちのルーツともモダンさを癒合させたファッションはKELELAらアーティストたちからも絶大な支持を得ている。14歳の頃は負け犬だったと語る彼らは、その過去から今を築いたプライドに満ちていた。
Arin 「。いつもはちょっぴりやりすぎる時もあるのでシンプルに仕上げました(笑)。ニットウェアそのものが特徴的なので、さりげないものにしておいたんです。昨日は友達にプレゼンテーションに来てもらって、ライヴのモデルもいて。アメリカンジョークでセクシーだと“スナック”とか“ミル”って呼ぶ事が多いんですがキッチンで“スナック”と“ミル”になってもらいました(笑)」
Arin「 部屋のテーマは決められていたのですが、このブランドは私達のコミュニティや友達から多くのインスピレーションを得ています。いつも一緒にご飯を作ったり、食事をしているので自然と上手くいきました」
--What is the concept that you guys worked around? I know that this is the kitchen?
Pierre: “We based our concept off of community, and when you’re at the kitchen, sitting at the table having a meal. So it’s based off of community and we also did a knitwear theme because our brand has a lot of knitwear that’s handmade so we showcased a lot of that in this exhibit.”
Arin: “We also kept it simple this time because usually we go over the top, haha. So we just wanted to keep it chill because the knitwear also speak for themselves. But yesterday, we did do the presentation and we had our friend sitting down and there were live models. There’s an American joke where if you’re sexy, you’re like a “snack” or a “mil” and so they were the “snacks” and the “mils”.”
--It seems like the theme of the kitchen is something you wouldn’t normally do. But at the same time, I realized that some of your short films include scenes of cutting watermelon. It seems as though you get inspiration from everyday things like the kitchen. Is that true?
Arin: So they kind of assigned us the room… but I know our brand is definitely about our community and our friends and internal community. And so, we’re always cooking, we have dinners together all the time and even make food together. It all makes sense.
--Food incorporates many colors, and your clothes are also very colorful so there may be a common theme there. Obviously, after listening to you guys DJ, you guys are probably inspired a lot by music?
Pierre: “Yes, yes. Lots of our friends are musicians. So they inspire us and they wear our clothes and we just say go to your own community.”
Arin: And we spin some of their songs, we have a lot of DJ friends as well. Also, we met through parties as well, so it’s just kind of like the world we exist in.
--So art brought you guys together, and you are brought together by art.
Arin: “Absolutely.”
Arin 「もちろんです。昔からアーティストになりたいということはわかっていたけど、どんなアーティストかははっきりわかっていませんでした。何をしたいかわかるまでには結構苦労しましたが、それは誰もが通る道。具体的にではないけど、14歳の頃に聴いていた音楽、観ていたテレビ番組や映画に影響されていたなあと思います。その頃は一番変わる時期ですね、ぶさいくだったやつが綺麗になったり(笑)」
--How do you convert the the ideas you received from music to your garments? What’s the process like?
Pierre: “For example, just going out and hearing a friend perform or when we’re together and they’re telling me about a song that they’re working on, I start to envision what they should be wearing for it. Or I get inspired just by listening to their music and I start to want to create something along the feeling that it’s giving me. Whether it’s something really joyful and the colors are really bright, or something that’s a little gloomy and the colors are more neutral.
--Your garments are original and modern, and at the same time incorporates your roots. How do you go about balancing that? Does it just come naturally?
Both: “I feel like it’s natural!”
Arin: “It really is. It is what it is.”
--The April Issue revolves around the theme of thoughts when you were 14 years old. Do you think all of the things such as music and fashion that you saw when you were 14 had an influence on your career and life right now?
Pierre: “Definitely! I I think some of the drawings that we put into the art creations, I was drawing when I was 14. And I reference those drawings now when I’m working. 14 year old me would also be so happy to be in Japan right now, haha. I was telling Arin yesterday, I was like, my younger self is like freaking out. A dream came true.”
--Could you not imagine yourself being here when you were 14?
Pierre: “Well I dreamt about it, but now it’s here and it’s happening. Life has been a dream, haha.”
--How about you?
Arin: “I think definitely because I’ve always wanted to be an artist but I didn’t really know what field. So basically I had some bumps and bruises to figure out what I wanted to do, but I feel like this is a natural thing. I think that a lot of the music that I was interested in, TV shows that I watched, movies, nothing in particular but everything has formed who I am right now. Those are really transformative years, being ugly, then getting pretty, haha.”
Arin 「何かに向けて頑張れば頑張るほど、努力が報われると思うので、いつもとてもいい気分で作品を完成できていますよ」
Arin「 DJや音楽だって、昔から生活の一部ではあったけど練習もたくさんしました。ウィルという友達 (Prince Will) に彼のリビングでいつも教わっていましたよ。今もまだ制作中です」
--Is there something in particular that you worked hard on to become who you are today as a designer or musician?
Pierre: “Oh yes...there’s lots of hard work haha. We make it look easy but it’s hours and hours and hours of work. Hard work.”
Arin: “And hours of stressing.”
Pierre: “Yeah, sometimes not much sleep at all. But it’s worth it. Not complaining.”
Arin: “I feel like it also makes it more rewarding when you work hard for something and then you see it through. It’s really rewarding and it feels really really good.”
Pierre: “Yeah, it’s beautiful.”
Arin: “In terms of DJing also, it’s true that music has always been a part of our lives but we practiced a lot. One of our friends Will, Prince Will - he’s a DJ. He spent a lot of time in his living room teaching us and getting it together. We’re still working on it.”
Pierre: “Yeah, practice practice practice.”
Arin: “And we DJ all the time at our parties that we throw.”
--It’s great and beautiful that you are making a living out of what you love. There’s only a handful of us who are doing that.
Arin: “Yeah, we’re super lucky.”
--There are a lot of people who are still trying to figure out what to do with their lives. Do you think there was something that pushed you guys in the right direction? Do you have any advice for these people?
Pierre: “Yes! I would say never give up on yourself. Always trust in yourself and believe in yourself and just keep going. Things get hard, there may be days where you feel like giving up but just fight through it and you will always win at the end.”
Arin: “Definitely, I would agree. I think that if you’re really yourself and stay true to what you’re doing, it’ll work out. But I also know it’s sometimes really difficult and you might have pressure from your parents, etc. But I think that if it’s manageable, I think it’s smart to do what your parents tell you, you know what I mean. But at the same time, even if they’re not a fan of what you’re doing I think it’s really important to continue doing it anyway. But make sure you’re good at it. Because I’m gonna say, some people work really hard at things that they’re just not good at. And you just have to know that it’s never going to happen, to be honest haha. But then, find something else. I think that all of us have amazing gifts and talents and we can foster it and hopefully make it into something we love.”
―― geek(オタク) ってほど何かに夢中になるのはすごくいいことじゃないですか。
――そこから2人してNosesso という他にはないブランドとして知られるようになったわけですが、何かターニングポイントとして覚えていることはありますか? みんなからの賛同や支持を得て上手くいっているなと感じた瞬間はいつでしたか?
Anri「今は前より知られるようになったと思いますが、思えば最初からいろんな方にサポートしてもらっていましたね。特に LAのコミュニティにはいつも支えてもらっています」
--What’s something that happened when you were 14 that you remember the most? For example, I remember I was bleaching my hair and accidentally slept through the night and woke up with white hair. In Japan, everyone has black hair so I really stood out and was scolded by my parents. I still kept the hair though, haha.
Pierre: “I would say experimenting with making my own clothes. And getting weird looks at school because of being different, but look at where I am now!”
――You show them.
Arin: “To be honest, I just remember being really short, (I know I’m tall now) really tiny and such a loser. Me and my friends were such geeks. That’s all I really remember haha. Trying to make myspace profiles…”
――Being a geek is a good thing.
Arin: “True, haha.”
--Nosesso is such a well-known brand for creating something that’s different. Do you think there was a turning point that lead to your designs being so unique and unlike no other? When was the point when you realized you had the support for doing something so original?
Arin: “I feel like our visibility obviously has changed but I think since the very beginning, everybody has really been supportive, especially the LA community.”
Pierre: “Yeah our community has always been supportive. I feel like the turning point is more of everyone else catching on to the brand. The LA community was always where from the beginning.
--We’ve also been talking with all of the other designers how the amount of followers you have on Instagram does not determine your success in the business. It doesn’t necessarily reflect success.
Arin: “Exactly.”
Pierre: “100 percent. Making it look like it’s so easy is so much hard work, and to Instagram it just looks like it’s a piece of cake.”
Arin: “Especially because we don’t come from like rich parents or anything, I have a trust fund, so we are literally doing everything on our own, scraping it together, figuring it out. By the grace of God it happens, haha.”
Pierre: “Thankful though.”
Arin: “Yeah we’re very very thankful. And hopefully we’ll be rich soon.”
--We’ll be right by your sides.Are there any news or events coming up that you want to share with us? Everyone else said they need a vacation.
Arin: “A vacation, or a sponsor. Maybe a few haha.”
--Thank you!
ロサンゼルス生まれたブランドNO SESSOのデザイナーPierre Davis は、「ラグジュアリーブランドが買えない人々への新し いラグジュアリーを作りたい」という目的の元、メディテーションとしての刺繍クラスを運営したり、コミ ュニティを大切にしている。
IG: @nosessola
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