14 Issue : Luar “人に変だと思われるのはいいこと。でも同情されてしまうと特別じゃなくなってしまう”
NeoL / 2019年5月2日 17時0分
進路が少しずつ重きを増してきて、身体も気持ちも毎日少しずつ変化する14歳の頃、いま楽しく仕事したり生活している先輩たちはどんなことを考えて、どんなことをしていたんだろう。そんなファイルを作りたいと始まった「14歳」特集に、NYのアーティストたちが参加。「New York New Work(NYNW/2019年3月にルミネゼロで開催されたNYのデザイナーたちによるアートエキシビション)」のため来日を果たしたLuarが登場。NYでゲイとして生きること、それが14歳の思い出だと語る彼に創作のプロセスを語ってもらった。
--Would you tell us about the concept?
Raul : So this concept is a study room. It’s like elevating the study of fashion, everything is just so elevated right now with the body and the shapes, and how everything drapes on the body. All of it was draped on a body. With the chairs, it’s kind of like their bodies are sitting there but they’re thinking so their mind is up in the air. Very elevated. Very highly thought in a theoretical way. It was inspired by Dante’s comedy so it was perfect. The way that everybody is fighting to get to the top to heaven. Everything is very heavenly, and pure. It was also to clean the palette and make everything gender fluid and neutral.
―White is a very interesting color, in the way it can be dyed any color but is also a color that’s very bold.
Raul : Yes, the whole point is to be neutral. To clean the palette and to make everything neutral.
―Even when using white, you spread that out to different textures.
Raul : It signifies how we all have the same skin and the same texture so it was just an interpretation of skins - some are tougher, some are lighter, but they’re all flowy at the same time. This is a silk mercado and this is organdy which is blend of poly and organza.
―The overall construction is very interesting, but in particular the way you use foam materials.
Raul :Oh the shoes were handmade. The shoes were an interpretation of how in the Medieval era, the Queens and the people in court would take apart the threads out of the dresses as a form of entertainment to talk and hang out for the women. So what they would do with the thread is they would take it and give it back to the coterie. So I just interpreted that with the shoes and dethreaded the shoes and just built this textile with my friend Candice who does textiles for the shoes.
―It’s interesting how you used wrappers and foam. Did you think of this after coming here on the spot?
Raul : I feel like plastic right now is so crazy and overly consumed. It was figuring out a way of taking plastic and reusing it, opposed to just throwing it away. And no, this was already planned. This I had to melt it on and heat it with a blower because it won’t stay. It’s also to speak of how everyone is wrapped up in all these notions. I wanted to interpret that too with the plastic wrapping.
―In addition to your works being gender fluid, I am amazed at how you break barriers and find new ways to express your ideas. What is the process that takes place from the initial conception of the idea to the final execution?
Raul : So all of my collections are basically just forms of different chapters in my life. Luar is my name backwards, my name is Raul. This collection was inspired by my upbringing and how I was in such a dark place. I feel like we all live in purgatory and we’re just fighting to get to the top and have everyone be equal. And with all of that, I just really wanted to clean the palette and just make everything neutral and start fresh to rave to the heavens. I feel like everybody right now is just fighting and fighting and fighting. So much to get to the top, and everybody wants to get to the top. It’s like hell, purgatory is here and to get to heaven you gotta fight to get to the top. I wanted to make it feel like they were angels going to the top racing to heaven.
――14歳の時にはデザイナーになると考えていましたか? どういうことを考えて過ごしてました?
―What is the actual physical process of making your works?
Raul :I go to the library a lot, so I do a lot of research. No internet. I’m at the library 7 hours a day. It’s only the best way. Once it’s not the internet on Instagram or Tumblr, it’s regurgitated and everybody already did it. It’s already copied. There’s too much copying. I always say, everything has been done already but it depends on your way of going back, researching and taking that and elevating it in your own way and reinterpreting it. I’ve never been on Tumblr, or Twitter. Never! I go to the library and look at pictures. It’s better and more organic. I think you see more and your thought process gets bigger.
I did a talk in Parsons in New York for the Junior class on the way I research. And they all came with their portfolios to show me, and it was all Instagram and Tumblr and I was like no, go to the library! You have it right there, and it’s free. There are designers, and there are people that make clothes. The designer has to do a whole story and do a whole process.
―Did you consider becoming designer when you were 14? What kind of things did you think about?
Raul : I was making my clothing to go to school. I started school at 7am. My mother was a seamstress, so I would always look at her. And my dad did architecture so I just took both of them and just built it together. So as a little kid, I always used to follow my mother. I would always make my clothing before I went to school because I wanted to be different from everybody else. I was always the weird-looking, crazy kid in school. I calmed down. I co-founded Hood by Air, and then I started my own thing. That was my baby, and now this is my baby too.
―When you were 14, regardless of it being related to fashion, was there something that impacted you strongly?
Raul : Yeah, being gay in New York. Ignorance. Ignorance juices me up. When people make fun of me, that means it’s good. If regular people think I look crazy, that means it’s good. That’s always been my trick.
―I think many young people will be inspired by that thought.
Raul :It’s good because once everybody can relate to it, you’re not special anymore. Not that you’re not, but it’s not a treat. It’s like when I go to Paris, everything shakes up and I love it. They’re like laughing and taking pictures of me and I’m like, perfect. This is good. That means I’m doing the right thing. And that’s what I think with Hood by Air, that’s why it shook things up. Now with my own brand, this is my baby and I know how to shake things up. Now that I know that it’s buzzing and it’s bothering people in good and bad ways, that means it’s good.
When I was a kid, people would always say “Your son looks so crazy” and my mom would always say “don’t worry, in 5 years you’re gonna dress like her.” My mother was always like that. My dad, no. When I was wearing skinny jeans, nobody wore skinny jeans. This was 1999. Oh my god, and I had a mohawk, I looked crazy haha. I had a Diesel suit, an LV Speedy Bag, it was considered “not cool”. I got beat up because I was gay, but that was good in a way because I knew I was doing something that was shaking the system up.
―Do you have any news or upcoming events?
Raul : The clothing is going to be available now in Great Tokyo again. I’m also doing a runway show in Mexico City on April 11th.
Luar (ルアール)
ブルックリンで生まれ育った Raul Lopez はストリートウェアの王道「Hood By Air」の創立者の一人と して知られている。彼の現在のブランド Luar では、ジェンダーの限界に挑むデザインを毎コレクション 発表し、次世代のファッション ビヴィジョネアとして歴史を刻む勢いだ。
IG: @luar
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