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14 Issue : Jack Beeks “14歳の頃は自分のセクシュアリティを理解し始めて、混乱していた時期でした”

NeoL / 2019年5月6日 18時30分

14 Issue : Jack Beeks “14歳の頃は自分のセクシュアリティを理解し始めて、混乱していた時期でした”

キプロス島で育ったファインアーツフォトグラファーのジャック。彼は現在ニューヨークに住んでいて、自分の育った環境のユニークな視点を作品に取り入れている。ヴィジュアル的に力強く、何層ものレイヤーがかかった作品が特徴的だ。最近はV Magazineとの編集・制作プロジェクトで写真のキューレーションや映像制作をしている。近い将来が楽しみな彼に、幼い頃の思いや今の生活に現れている過去の影響について聞いた。

Jack is a fine art photographer/creative artist who was born and raised in Cyprus and now lives in Manhattan. His personal work is closely connected to his upbringing which involves an unique perspective of his cultural background. The work is always visually powerful and with all sorts of layers for the views to find. He has recently been working with V Magazine and have done curation of photography and video work for editorial and production projects. We have the honor here to ask him about his experience as an emerging artist and how his childhood years have influenced his life.





—Tell us about your inspirations. Like what have you been looking at ever since you were little.

Jack: At the age of fourteen, I remember I was looking at fashion videos. Like advertising stuff, I wanted to go into film and that was when I got started. I have always had an interest in fashion. And so I started with photo. My subjects were mainly women, even now I still mostly shoot with women. Because I personally find men as sex objects to me, for the longest time that is all I could see.

—I see. So for you it is like the opposite. Because in the fashion industry, people usually see women as sex objects.

Jack: I see women, like as my mother and sisters and friends, anything but sex. Because in Cyprus, the definition of feminine and masculine was very clear and so I was always very intimidated by that because I am very feminine. I got bullied in high school because I was gay. So I was always afraid of men and I never had a good relationship with my father. I feel like he could tell I was gay and he judged me for it even when I was at a really young age. Because I would play with Barbie dolls and I always have female friends. So I always find woman like a safe space for me, like emotionally and psychologically, I feel no judgement from women in all my life. My best connections in my life are with women. Though I can not identify myself as a women. Like I don’t know what it is like to walk down the street as a woman because I have never experienced that. I just think in a feminine way.





—Did you have that idea even when you were fourteen?

Jack: That was when I started to explore and understand my sexuality. I remember there were thoughts about myself that terrified me, and then I realized that I don’t care at all. I don’t care if I am a man or a woman. That was a really hard and confusing period for me because I grew up in a really religious family and I prayed that I wasn’t gay. It was a lot of back and forth. I feel like for a long time it was terrifying and one day I just woke up and it wasn’t terrifying anymore. And at that time, I was looking at art and I was drawing and painting. I was practicing art but it was more like a hobby because I wasn’t sure if it was something that I wanted to do. But it wasn’t like I wasn’t look at it in a serious way. I thought art was beautiful and it was meant to be beautiful. So beauty was the major component of how I see art.

—So is beauty still the major component of your work now?

Jack: It is, but in a different way. Like I look to beauty and I question what could be beautiful and what can’t be. I don’t know. After a few things happened within my family, I feel more connected to my mom and I found middle age women as incredibly beautiful. Like I would be on the subway looking at a middle age woman and think that she is amazing. Even though they are going through painful times, they still look beautiful.




Jack「いつ行っても大丈夫な、不思議な場所でした。静かで穏やかな場所。今もそう思います。そこではゆったりとした人生を生きていたので海で時間を過ごしたり、猫と遊んでいました。ニューヨークに引っ越してから1番びっくりしたのは、自分がどれだけ精神的に子供だったか。それで人さえ愛せなくなっていたんだけど、NYと言う街が愛を教えてくれました。大袈裟にならなくてもいい時にドラマティックになったり、理想が高すぎたんです。キプロスは暑くてみんな露出が多いので、外見や身体がどう見えるかや物質的なものばかり気にしていた自分がいて。ニューヨークに来てからアートについて学んで、自分がどれだけセンスが悪かったかに気付きました (笑) 」

—That makes sense. So what was your life like back then? How did your spend your time?

Jack: I always liked reading. I became obsessed with history so I spent a lot of time reading books about European history, like politics and wars and stuff. I was always fascinated with the studies of wars. And I started look into fashion and social media. I was young and ignorant and kind of money hungry. I had only female friends, one of them is my sister, they are all my best friends. I led a slow life in Cyprus, it was literally a paradise.

—What did you feel about Cyprus before moving to New York?

Jack: I always knew that there was something, I don’t know how to say, but like it is always a magical place. It is quiet and peaceful and I still think about it the same way. I just really had a slow life there, I spent much of my time at the beach and a lot of time with cats. The biggest change I have gone through ever since I moved to the city is that I found out that I wasn’t emotionally mature and I didn’t know how to love people. The city taught me how to love. I was dramatic in some situations when I shouldn’t be dramatic and I had high expectations. I was materialistic and I cared too much for body image, probably because in Cyprus everybody had their clothes off because of the high temperature. I moved to New York and I started to really learn about art and everything and I realized I had bad taste, haha.



――今の時点で将来したいことは何ですか? 今までの経験を後悔したことは?


—What was your dream job?

Jack: I wanted to be a fashion photographer. I didn’t know what I wanted to do back then because I was a baby. I was just trying to get through school. Right now I don’t know. I have been working with magazines and brands but I have realized that fashion nowadays are too surface level. Everyone is exploiting the models and stuff. It is fake. It wasn’t like that they are trying to send out a message or anything. It is literally just appearances. I don’t wanna work with fashion like that. It is like hiding behind beautiful clothing. Fashion is not even useful anymore. They are just trying to sell. It is just like instagram. I think it is a dream that I grew out of.

—What do you wanna do in your future at this point of your life?And did you ever regret any of this?

Jack: Sometimes I regret going into photography. I feel like I should have gone into design and stuff. I try not to think about regretting things like that. I really don’t know what I want to do in the future. I just wanna really navigate the genres of photo and see which one works best for me. I wanna be somewhere between journalism, fine art and fashion in an authentic way which is so hard to fine. I feel like no one is doing it now. Maybe I wanna be a curator. Maybe I will be an art collector. But I will continue to make work and be true to life. That is for sure.

—Alright. Thank you so much for answering these questions. Hope you have an adventurous time exploring things that you love.

Jack: Thank you!


photography & text Baihe Sun












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