Our Body Issue : 『コレット』ーー彼女が導く私たちの声ーー
NeoL / 2019年6月6日 12時0分
本作の公開によってとりわけ大きな反応を示し動きを見せたのは韓国の観客であった。公開当初韓国における本作の興行は伸び悩み、初週の169スクリーンから第二週では40スクリーンに上映館数を落とした末に上映打ち切りの敢行がなされかけていた。しかしそんな状況下、SNSにおいて#콜레트처럼(「コレットのように」を意味する)のハッシュタグを付け 鑑賞を促す“コレット観覧運動”が観客らによって呼びかけられ、以降劇場動員数を伸ばし公開から1カ月後には動員数4万6000人以上を集め上映館拡大が決定した。観客一人ひとりの声が、結果的に市場全体を動かす結果を生んだのである。
TOHOシネマズ シャンテ、新宿武蔵野館ほか全国で公開中
監督ウォッシュ・ウエストモアランド 製作エリザベス・カールセン/スティーブン・ウーリー/パメラ・コフラー/クリスティーン・ベイコン
出演 キーラ・ナイトレイ/ドミニク・ウェスト/デニース・ゴフ/フィオナ・ショウ/エレノア・トムリンソン
原題 Colette 2018年 イギリス・アメリカ合作 配給 東北新社、STAR CHANNEL MOVIES 上映時間 111分 PG12
(c)2017 Colette Film Holdings Ltd / The British Film Institute. All rights reserved.
text Shiki Sugawara
The ‘Colette’ in me
As the first woman to be nominated for a Nobel Literature Prize and the first to join the academie goncourt -a prestigious literary organization established in Paris in the mid 19th century- Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette was a trendsetter for female empowerment. Her progressive way of living has been praised from the likes of Coco Chanel and JK Rowling as well as many other renowned artists around the world. The new documentary movie ‘Colette’ portrays the struggles she overcame during the first half of her life. In various countries where feminism has increasingly become a hot topic to debate, the movie has received critical acclaim for questioning the typical way in which women are or should be portrayed in the modern world. Colette is the wife of famous writer Henry Gauthier-Villars (commonly known as ‘willy’) An already familiar face in Paris, he becomes the talk of the town when Collete starts to take on the role of ghostwriter for his novels. Before the first world war, when France was facing revolutions of their own, Colette becomes aware that her talent is being undervalued due to her sexuality, eventually leading her to reveal her presence as the writer for her husband. Later on in her career, she releases several of her own published works, plays and scripts as well as acts in countless original screenplays. In an era where wearing anything other than a corset was seen as unflattering, she as a woman sets out to be free from the boundaries tied to her own sex in 20th century France.
The movie focuses on colette’s gradual transformation from wife to woman. In her semi-biographical series ‘Claudine’ based on her childhood, she tackles the problem of societal roles and emphasises the importance of independent identities. In a time when whether the author’s name of the novel was an Andy or an Angie was more important than the actual content, her identity as a writer becomes overshadowed by the presence of her husband. Gradually she starts to wonder just how many women in history had had their identities erased and was only given the option of becoming the wife of a man. She, herself sets out on a journey to change her destiny in order to be a woman with a purpose of her own.
The viewers in South Korea were highly galvanized by this movie. However the movie was not a big hit at the beginning when it was first released. Initially meant to screen on 169 movie theatres, the number was cut down to 40 screens in the second week, and the movie was in the midst of being cancelled due to the lack of viewings. Social network sites was what saved this movie from being taken down completely. The hashtag #콜레트처럼 ( meaning, ‘like Colette did’ ) started the ‘Watch Collette Movement’ in South Korea which eventually forced the number of screenings to increase, with an outcome of 46 thousands views in the country in total. There is no doubt that the voices of each and everyone of the viewers left a huge mark on the movie market. Influenced by the rise in women hate crimes during 2015 and 2016, feminist movements have become the main topic of discussion over the years in Korean society. The message that the movie ‘Colette’ conveys seems to highly correlate to what these movements are invoking today. Through the participation of several freedom of expression movements at the time, Collette -a woman who had been forced to wear what she was told to by the men who surrounded her- throws away her corset in exchange for a suit, a piece of clothing that was forbidden to be worn by a woman during that time. Her change in behavior which she portrays in the movie, is similar to the ‘anti corset movement’ that is happening and heavily influencing the woman of South Korea in recent times.
Inspired by collette’s braveness, the movie ends with the younger generation taking ‘claudine’ into their hands, which they avidly read as if it is a second bible. As a book that portrays women as a single individual not tied to societal roles such as the daughter or the wife, every woman can reflect a part of herself in claudine making the book both relatable and an opportunity for women at the time to take off their corset to create a life for themselves. Without a doubt this movement will become a similar cultural phenomenon as the book Kim Ji Young born 1982 written by Cho Nam Jo. Supported by a great number of young women who were suppressed by the power that men possessed in the household, caused women in South Korea to site the words Kim Ji Young is one of us, I am Kim Ji Young and likely ‘colette’ will do the same.
Unfortunately, the way of living that was portrayed in the early 20th century in France is not much different to how we live today. Even after half a century, we still seem to be living in a highly male dominated society where equal pay is not a given and females in CEO positions are rarely seen. This is also proven by the movement in Korea that shows that Asian countries are even further down the line when it comes to empowerment. Like the saying that was prevalent throughout the movie, ‘she who has the pen has the power to change history’, in this highly digitized media world where anyone, anywhere should be able to have a seat at the table, it is up to us as individuals to raise our voices, go against social norms to change history and impact the way in which future generations will set foot onto this world.
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