Interview with Stella Donnelly about “Beware of The Dogs” /ステラ・ドネリー来日インタビュー
NeoL / 2019年9月2日 20時0分
アンチレイプカルチャーのアンセムとなった“Boys will be boys”や家父長制やミソジニーにNOを突きつけた“Old Men”など、率直でありながらユーモアの効いたリリックとシンプルで完成度の高いサウンドで世界中の関心をさらったオーストラリア出身の注目のシンガー・ソング・ライターStella Donnelly。今年3月にリリースしたばかりのデビュー・アルバム『Beware of The Dogs』を手にフジロックに参戦した彼女に、バックグラウンドから現状についてまでを聞いた。(→ in English)
Stella「素晴らしかった! 日本では初めてのライヴでしたが、あんな大勢の前で歌えたなんて、私はとても幸運だなあと思います」
――アルバム『Beware of Dog』は様々な曲調の曲たちがありますが、声と寄り添うようなギターの旋律が印象的です。お父さんにギターを習ったそうですね。作曲時にはギターから作ることが多いですか? 作曲のプロセスを教えてください。
Stella「ウェールズに住んでたのは幼少期の3年間で、大きな成長を遂げた時期でした。オーストラリアに戻ってから、たくさんの現地のロックバンドの音楽を聞き始めてそれが自分を形成したと思います。友達が演奏していた音楽も常に周りにありました。多くの友人たちがギターを弾いてたので、よくインスパイアされていました。たくさんの段階を通ってきたので、My Chemical Romance的なエモも通っていますし、今思い返すと少し恥ずかしいような音楽を聴いていた時期だってあります(笑)」
――アンチレイプカルチャーのアンセムとなった“Boys will be boys”や家父長制やミソジニーにNOを突きつけた“Old Men”などがある一方、同時に何気ない日常を歌った曲たちもあり、それらが混在する感じが一人の女性として生きるリアルな日々だと思いました。どのような時に歌詞が浮かびますか?
――アルバムではBells Rapidsのタルヤ、Boat Showのジェニファーなどもプレイヤーとして参加しています。ソロとは別でバンドとしての活動もそのうち再開したいと思います?
Stella「もちろん! 人と演奏することは大好き。テニスやサッカーみたいなチームスポーツを遊んでいる感覚なんです。他の人と一緒に経験することで、より自分も楽しめるので」
Stella「みなさんこんにちは。私の音楽を聴いてくれてありがとう! 12月に戻ってきます! 今度は東京と大阪でライブを行うので、またその時に会いましょう。日本でお会いするのを楽しみにしています! またね!」
photography Yosuke Torii
text & edit Ryoko Kuwahawra
Stella Donnelly単独来日公演
東京:12月11日(水)渋谷CLUB QUATTRO
開場19:00開演20:00 前売¥6,000 (入場整理番号付、1 ドリンク別)
開場19:00開演20:00 前売¥6,000 (入場整理番号付、1 ドリンク別)
総合問合せ:SMASH 03-3444-6751
Stella Donnelly
『Beware of The Dogs』
(Big Nothing / Ultra Vibe)
Stella Donnelly
豪パース出身、26才のシンガーソングライター。2017年、Healthy TapesよりファーストEP『Thrush Metal』をリリース。このEPが話題となり、翌2018年、アメリカのレーベル、Secretly Canadianが同作をリイシュー。EPはNPR、KEXP、Pitchfork、LA Times、NY Times、NME、The Telegraph、Independent、Loud & Quiet、DIY、BBC Radio 1といった米英のメディアから絶賛された。2017年をツアーに費やしたStella Donnellyは、2018年の6月、地元のオーストラリアに戻り当デビュー・アルバムをレコーディング。プロデューサーにDean Tuzaを起用し、フレッシュな内容を求めバンドを一新して制作された『Beware of the Dogs』は2019年3月、Secretly Canadianよりリリース。フジロックフェスティバル2019にて初来日を果たし、多くのファンを歓喜させた。
(This interview is available in English)
ーーHow was your performance and the audience at Fuji Rock ?
Stella : Fuji Rock was amazing. Thank you for speaking to me. It was really really great to play there. It was my first ever show in Japan and to play to a crowd like that, I feel very very lucky.
ーーAnd at Fuji Rock, the lineup. There were so many female artists and women but what did you think about Fuji Rock, the festival itself?
Stella : I thought it was great! I think the lineup was amazing and I also felt that it was a very safe festival for me to be at, compared to some other festivals around the world. It was a very gentle, calm festival with lots of children around. I felt like everyone was there for the music which makes a difference because you can really tell the mood of the festival by people paying attention.
ーーNow let us ask you about yourself. You liked singing and expressing yourself since you were a kid but why did you choose music?
Stella : I think music chose me and I know that sounds silly but music really kind of kept coming back to me. I tried other jobs, I was a swimming teacher for a while and I was doing all sorts of things but really I couldn’t get away from music. I was always playing in someone’s band or doing something and it gave me the greatest joy. I’m not very good at anything else so I don’t really have much choice. (laughs)
ーーAnd your album ‘Beware of the dogs’. We have listened to many times and the songs. But you learnt how to play guitar from your dad right?
Stella : Yes, I did.
ーーBut how do you usually make songs? What is the process like?
Stella : Usually, I’ve got a guitar in my hand and trying out some different chord progressions. Then I put a little vocal melody over it, something like (hums). Then eventually find the words to put on that melody. So it’s almost like everything else comes first and then I find the right words to put on top of it.
ーーAnd I hear you were living in Wales for three years and listening to a lot of Welsh music. You were inspired by their culture and music from there as well. When you were younger, a kid or a teenager, what type of music were you listening to or learning?
Stella : When I lived in Wales for three years that was when I was a child so that was a big development time for me. But then when I moved back to Australia, there were a lot of Australian rock bands and stuff that I was listening to that kind of shaped me in a way. It was always the music that my friends were playing as well. Lots of friends who played guitar and I always found them really inspiring. I mean, I went through lots of phases. I went through a ‘my chemical romance emo’ phase as well. I went through a few embarrassing music tastes.
ーーHow did you start becoming conscious about lyrics that you sing about?
Stella : I think I’ve always loved music that had interesting lyrics. I only started writing my own lyrics in a way that I felt proud of four years ago. And it just felt like it was time for me be able to speak out and be myself.
ーー‘The boys will be boys’ is like a big anthem. And ‘old man’ and ‘tricks’ as well. Those two songs have strong messages that are serious and dark but at the same time you sing about them in a normal and human like way. When do you get ideas for lyrics?
Stella : It’s usually things that have happened to me or happened to my friends. Things that I think about retrospectively three years later like ‘oh my god, I can’t believe that happened.’ and I find a way to write about it so for me lyric writing is about processing information and putting something in to my own words and into my own expression.
ーーThe deeper the lyrics are the simpler the sound is. How important is the balance for you?
Stella : It’s very important. I feel like if you are going to write a song that has serious lyrics that are quite complex and hard to process, you are going to have to match that with sounds that are inviting and sweet. And if you are going to write a very simple music song, you are going to have to have something to good to say.
ーーOn the album, Talia and Jennifer wrote this album with you. But you want to be in a band again apart from your solo career?
Stella : Yeah. I always enjoy playing with other people. It’s like playing tennis and playing football. You are a part of a team and it is so much more enjoyable when you get to share the experiences with others.
ーーWe have so many social problems now. For example, the alabama abortion ban and rape in Japan as well. As an artist living now, what do you think you can do?
Stella : I mean, make small changes I think. I’m going to take this question as someone who isn’t an artist and doesn’t create music but small changes is the big thing. I’m often asked by my male friends what they can do to help. Generally, if someone’s making horrible jokes in front of you, question them, pull them up on it and say ‘That’s not funny man, that’s not cool. It just takes small efforts to start changing a bigger culture and it’s the same with racism. I’m a white person and I wouldn’t sit here listening to someone saying something horrible and racist. So I speak out and men have to think about it in that way as well.
ーーDo you have any news you can tell us now for yourself?
Stella : I don’t know. I can’t really think of anything. Other than, I’m coming back to Japan in December. That’y my news. I’m playing in Tokyo and Osaka so see you in December.
ーーCan you give a message to your Japanese fans?
Stella : Hi Japanese fans! Arigato gozaimasu! Thank you so much for listening to my music. I’m really excited to meet you all and spend some time with you in Japan. See you soon.
photogprahy Yosuke Torii
text&edit Ryoko Kuwahara
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