Fashion/Reborn: 「外出自粛中、建築やデザインに興味を持つようになった」Interview with Alexandre Gaudin
NeoL / 2020年7月24日 17時0分
[caption id="attachment_98290" align="alignnone" width="620"] NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Alexandre Gaudin Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]
ファッションウィーク中はバックステージフォトグラファーとして様々なブランドのコレクションを撮影し、DiorやNina Ricciをはじめとするラグジュアリーブランドなどをクライアントとして持つフランス・パリ拠点のファッションフォトグラファーAlexandre Gaudin。自発的に物事を探求するという姿勢を持つ彼が映し出す瞬間を切り抜いたかのようなストリートフォトグラフィーは、暖かみと人間味が感じられる。そんな彼が、現在起こっているファッション業界のシステム改革をどう捉え、今後どのように彼のファッションフォトグラフィーは変化していくのかに迫る。
(→ in English)
Alexandre「パリ拠点のファッションフォトグラファーAlexandre Gaudinです。2015年から写真を撮り始め、2016年から本格的に仕事として始めました。最初は、趣味でストリートスタイルの写真を撮りはじめ、その後とあるコンセプトストアと契約を結び、ファッションフォトグラファーとしてキャリアを始めました。今は、Dior、Nina Ricci、 Mercedes-Benz Fashionなど様々なクライアントと仕事しています」
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NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Alexandre Gaudin Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]
Alexandre「時と場合によります。自分の中で明確なものはないのですが、その服装が良くて、アバンギャルドであればでしょうか。特にIssey Miyakeなどの日本のブランドは目を引きます。フィレンツエで撮影したPitti Immagineのスタイルは全く人と違う独特のものでした。また、東京に来た際は、街並みを撮っていたのですが、今はそういうドキュメンタリーのようなものを撮っています。Leica で撮影する前は、Nikonを使っていて、同じ場所にずっといて写真を撮っていました。今は、より動きを取り入れていますね」
Alexandre「ファッションショーでいうとCOMME des GARÇONSですね。なんといってもCOMME des GARÇONSなので。特に、招待状が必ずしもあるとは限らないので、中に入るのがとても困難という点においても印象に残っています。バックステージに関しては、1017 ALYX 9SM の2019年春夏コレクション。招待状を持っていなかったので、友人とともにとりあえずノリでショーの2時間前に会場に行ってみたところ、ガードマンが“ショーのモデルですか?”と尋ねてきて、“いや、フォトグラファーです”と答えたら、「じゃあ、こちらへ」と中に案内してくれました。バックステージには、Kanye Westを筆頭にJerry Lorenzo, Virgil Abloh, AmbushのYoon, 秋元 梢など業界人が勢揃いでした。圧倒されながらも、ルックブックを撮っていました。あとは、Nina Ricciの2019秋冬コレクションのバックステージですかね。このような著名なブランドのインハウスフォトグラファーとして参加するのは初だったので、いつもとは違い、他のフォトグラファーより先に自分のセットで撮影をすることができました。クリエイティヴディレクター Rushemy Botterとともに写真も撮ることもでき、彼とはそれがきっかけで、友達になりました。Rushemy Botterは、奥さんLisi HerrebrughとともにNina Ricciのクリエイティヴディレクターを務めており、BOTTERというメンズウェアもローンチしています」
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NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Alexandre Gaudin Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]
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NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Alexandre Gaudin Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]
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NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Alexandre Gaudin Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]
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NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Alexandre Gaudin Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]
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NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Alexandre Gaudin Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]
ーーSocial isolation(外出自粛)の期間が長引いている中、自身のクリエーションに対する捉え方などに変化はありましたか。
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NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Alexandre Gaudin Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]
Fashion Photographer : Alexandre Gaudin
IG @lubakilubaki
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NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Alexandre Gaudin Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]
ーーCan you tell us about yourself? About your background and about your career as a fashion photographer?
Alexandre:My name is Alexandre Gaudin I’m a fashion photographer based in Paris. I’ve started photos in 2015 and it’s become my full time job since 2016. I began to do some street style photos for fun and then I signed a contract with a concept-store. That's how I entered into fashion photography. Now I’m working with a lot of brands like Dior, Nina Ricci, Mercedes-Benz Fashion etc.
ーーHow has fashion photography evolved since you started your career?
Alexandre:I think today there are more “fashion” photography (more like editorial, telling a story) than “street style” photography (like reporting and chasing some good looks on the streets) compared to what I saw in the beginning of my career.I think now fashion photography inspires people for their own style.
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NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Alexandre Gaudin Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]
ーーAs you also take street photography, which fashion week did you enjoy the most?
Alexandre:That’s a good question. Maybe in Seoul. It’s really different as in Paris a lot people wear the same outfit and same brand because it’s partnership. But in Seoul, people wear clothes that are not partnership and are more diverse. You wear your own clothe. It’s not put together. After Paris, the next biggest fashion week is in Milano, and after London or New York. In Milano and Paris, the buyers wear the same mood, if it’s light it’s light, if it’s dark it’s dark. That’s really interesting. It’s really good though because my clients like a lot of hype fashion so I take a lot of hype fashion there, but I don’t really post it on my account.
ーー What moments or people do you capture on camera during fashion week or on the streets?
Alexandre:Depends. I don’t have a specific thing in mind, but if it’s an outfit that’s good and avant-garde, so Japanese brands like Issey Miyake. There’s this picture I shot in Florence, it’s of Pitti Immagine, his style is very different. As I was taking city photography in Tokyo, now I also take photos like that, more of a documentary. Before my Leica, I had my Nikon, and I would stay in the same place and take the photo, but now I put more movement to it.
ーーAlso as an in-house photographer taking photos of behind the scenes during fashion week, which fashion show is still vivid in your mind?
Alexandre:COMME des GARÇONS, because it’s COMME des GARÇONS. Also, it’s really difficult to get inside because there’s not always invitations. Backstage is probably 1017 ALYX 9SM for the 2019SS collection. Because I was with my friend and though we didn’t have the invitation, we were like let’s go and we went 2 hours before the show, the guards were like” you are the in-house model? And we were like no no no we are in-house photographer, so the guards said “oh ok please come”, we go inside and see Kanye West and all fashion people like Jerry Lorenzo, Virgil Abloh, Yoon from Ambush, Kozue Akimoto. We are here and we say wow, this is crazy and we take pictures during the lookbook. Maybe also, Nina Ricci for the 2019FW collection because it was the first time for me to participate as an in-house photographer for such a huge brand like Nina Ricci. It was really different as I was able to shoot models with my own personal set before all the photographers. I also took a photo with the designer Rushemy Botter and now he is my friend. He and his wife Lisi Herrebrugh, both creative director of Nina Ricci, launches a menswear brand called BOTTER.
ーーHow do you reflect your own identity into your work and how do you define it?
Alexandre:Creating an identity, it’s a long work that you do during all your career. I take a lot of photos and the fact that I’m shooting different style, people, places I naturally find my own identity. Now, my identity is also included in what I see in “my eyes”. I think I can define my identity as natural and spontaneous.
ーーWhat is the creative starting point for each of your shoots?
Alexandre:I'm trying to do something different all the times, so I'm putting all my effort in every shoot. Also I shoot with different cameras from those back then to the recent ones.
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NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Alexandre Gaudin Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]
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NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Alexandre Gaudin Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]
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NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Alexandre Gaudin Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]
ーーWhat kind of techniques do you emphasise the most in both of your street and
editorial photography? Especially, in the lighting techniques?
Alexandre:I’m working most of the time with natural light. Street style photos and editorial are both very different. For example, when I do street style the lights change every time so I have to adapt myself. For editorial, I can prepare the shoot few days in advance so I’m concentrate more on the poses and everything on the day of the shoot.
ーーWhere do you gain your inspirations from?
Alexandre:I’m lucky that I can travel a lot in different countries so I gain my inspiration from there and specially from Asia.
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NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Alexandre Gaudin Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]
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NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Alexandre Gaudin Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]
ーーWhile long-term effects of the current coronavirus is expected, has anything changed in terms of your perspective towards creations under quarantine?
Alexandre:I think a lot of brands are coming to understand that everything was "too much". A lot of them are re-thinking the numbers of fashion shows and the collections. Maybe we have to expect less fashion week for next year. Nothing has changed in terms of my fashion photography but under quarantine, my interest has spread to other things like architecture and design.
ーーWhat do you want to challenge yourself in the near future? Do you have any goals set for yourself?
Alexandre:I would love to work in the cinema as a photographer and also do some documentary in different parts of Asia. My goal is to be based in Paris and also in other places.
ーーWhat do you see in the future of fashion photography?
Alexandre:I think more photographers are going to do work on videos because the clients demand for fashion videography is increasing more often now. Photography and videography are two different aspects so I don't think videography will be the future.
I think people will be using technology and photography in supporting fashion.
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NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Alexandre Gaudin Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]
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