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UAE Exchange、日本事業のブランド名をUnimoniに変更

PR TIMES / 2018年5月28日 13時1分


東京 2018年5月 --- 国際送金・外貨両替・決済ソリューションの大手ブランドであるUAE Exchange は、日本事業のブランド名を「Unimoni」に変更したと発表しました。「ユニバーサル・マネー」という言葉を短縮したUnimoni(ユニマニー)は、今後も幅広い地域、通貨、チャンネルにわたって革新的な金融サービスを幅広く提供する計画を推進し、お客さまの高い金融ニーズに対応します。日本は、UAE Exchangeの世界ネットワークの中で事業のブランド名をUnimoniに変更する最初の国になります。

Unimoni Japan代表取締役の坂根謙介は、日本の計画について次のように述べています。「高い潜在力を秘めた日本市場でのビジネス展開は本当に楽しみな時期に来てます。当社の日本事業はまだ日が浅く、日本の強靭な経済と海外からの外国人移住者の増加により大規模な成長計画を持っています。日本でのUnimoniのスタートにより、私たちは弊社サービスを既にご利用頂いているお客さま、新規お客さまがタイムリーかつ費用対効果の良い方法でスムーズに資金を送金できるサービス推進に向けて次のステップを踏み出します。」
日本では、過去10年間に外国人移住者が大幅に増加しています。KNOMADの二国間送金マトリックスによれば、日本から世界への送金額は2017年に約90億米ドルに達しました。Unimoni(旧称UAE Exchange)は2014年に日本で事業を開始し、日本のお客さまに便利な送金ソリューションを提供しています。開業して間もなく、フィリピン、インド、その他の南アジア諸国からの外国人移住者に選ばれる送金サービス・プロバイダーの1つになりました。
2018年4月に、アラブ首長国連邦(UAE)を拠点とする著名な実業家で慈善家のBavaguthu Raghuram Shetty博士は、持株会社の「Finablr」を立ち上げました。博士による先進的金融サービス・ブランドのUAE Exchange、Travelex、Xpress Moneyは、規制当局の承認を経てFinablrの傘下に入ります。同時に、FinablrはUAE Exchangeの国外事業のブランド名を「Unimoni」に変更する計画を発表しました。

UAE Exchange とUnimoni について
UAE Exchange(日本での名称はUnimoni)は、送金・外国為替・決済・クレジットソリューション
Exchange とUnimoni は、お客さまに安全で簡単なワンストップの金融ソリューションを提供して

          UAE Exchange rebrands its operations in Japan as Unimoni
Leading financial services brand takes on a new avatar in line with its future vision
Tokyo, May 2018: UAE Exchange, a leading global money transfer, foreign exchange and
payment solutions brand, announced that it has rebranded its operations in Japan as “Unimoni”.
Short for “Universal Money”, Unimoni will continue to drive the agenda of providing a broader
spectrum of innovative financial services across geographies, currencies and channels, enabling
customers to achieve their financial ambitions. Japan becomes the first country in the UAE
Exchange global network to rebrand its operations as Unimoni.
Speaking about the plans for Japan, Ken Sakane, Country Head, Unimoni Japan, said, “This
is truly an exciting time for the business in the high-potential Japanese market. Our local
operations are still young in Japan and we have significant growth plans in place drawing on the
country’s resilient economy and increasing number of expatriates. With the launch of Unimoni
in Japan, we take the next step in reaffirming our commitment to our well-wishers and customers
in Japan to deliver the seamless movement of money in a timely and cost-efficient manner.”
Japan has witnessed a considerable surge in the number of migrants in the last decade.
According to the Bilateral Remittance Matrix by KNOMAD, the remittance outflow from Japan to
the rest of the world amounted to nearly USD 9 Billion for 2017. Unimoni (formerly known as
UAE Exchange) started its Japan operations in 2014, providing convenient money transfer
solutions to its customers in Japan. It soon became one of the preferred remittance service
providers for expats from the Philippines, India and other South Asian countries.
“We have built a strong affinity with the expatriate communities in the country, particularly from
the Philippines and India, who account for nearly 90% of our current customer base. With the
rollout of the new brand, we aim to cater to a larger audience with a range of new services,
including online money transfer and foreign exchange services, which are in the pipeline. We
are also looking at increasing our brick-and-mortar presence in the country,” added Ken.
In April 2018, noted UAE-based businessman and philanthropist, Dr. Bavaguthu Raghuram
Shetty launched “Finablr”, a holding company which, subject to regulatory approvals, will bring
together his global portfolio of category-leading financial services brands including UAE
Exchange, Travelex and Xpress Money under one umbrella. Concurrently, Finablr announced the
intent to rebrand the non-UAE operations of UAE Exchange as “Unimoni”.

About UAE Exchange and Unimoni
UAE Exchange (known in Japan as Unimoni) is a global provider of money transfer, foreign
exchange, payment and credit solutions. The brand facilitates the seamless movement of
money across geographies, currencies and channels with a focus on delivering convenience,
speed and value to its customers. With multiple touchpoints spanning retail stores, digital
channels and self-service kiosks, UAE Exchange and Unimoni offer secure and simplified onestop
financial solutions for their customers. For more information, visit www.uaeexchange.com
and www.unimoni.com.











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