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新しい音楽配信サービス 「DRL」 Digital Records Lease(仮称)

PR TIMES / 2024年10月8日 13時0分

発表日 2024年10月8日 13:00 日本時間
October 8, 2024 13:00 JST

新しい音楽配信サービス 「DRL」 Digital Records Lease(仮称)プロジェクト始動!
New music distribution service"DRL: Digital Records Lease" project starts!

Cloud Cuckoo Land, Inc. announces a promising new project conceived by a Japanese musician in collaboration with a three-time Grammy Award winning recording engineer and

“Fair Share for Creators“
Are Creators' Digital Rights adequately respected in this time of accelerating

私たちは、このような「不均衡」に強く問題意識を持ち、音源提供者が権利を有する音楽作品に対して公正かつ適正に経済的還元を得られる仕組みを標準化しました(USPTOビジネスモデル特許 63/658,926 2024年6月12日申請)。その仕組みを実装したプラットフォームを構築して ”音楽インフラストラクチャー” として日本、米国、韓国でローンチします!
Digital technology-based products have made our lives much more convenient. Music subscription services (referred to as ‘music subs’) have become widespread with the progress of digitalization. However, they have also contributed to the reduction of the fiscal value of the musical output that the creators have devoted their lives to produce.
We are keenly aware of this imbalance, and have standardized a system that enables sound distributors to obtain fair and appropriate economic returns for the musical works for which they hold the rights (USPTO Business Model Patent 63/658,926, filed 12 June 2024). In the coming year, a platform implementing this ‘music infrastructure’ system will be developed and launched in Japan, the U.S. and South Korea.

私たちは従来の音楽サブスクではブラックボックス化されていた楽曲提供者への収益配分の根拠を明確化し (ブロックチェーンによる履歴データの透明化、原盤複製数など)、楽曲提供者へ適正な還元を実施します。

[画像1: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/150274/4/150274-4-ca266f55a1dcc00441221f15e5132a33-3900x2198.png?width=536&quality=85%2C75&format=jpeg&auto=webp&fit=bounds&bg-color=fff ]

Key element of the business model
We clarify the basis for revenue distribution to music providers and deliver appropriate returns. We do this by keeping historical data transparent in a blockchain, tracking the number of master copies, etc., which has been a secretive black box in conventional music subs.

[画像2: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/150274/4/150274-4-c55357c864387847d09d263a0ea4858b-3900x2213.png?width=536&quality=85%2C75&format=jpeg&auto=webp&fit=bounds&bg-color=fff ]

原盤複製権が考慮されない 楽曲の原盤は、同時視聴するユーザーの数に応じてシステム上で複製されるにも関わらず、音源供給者と音楽サブスク事業者との契約では著作隣接権である「原盤複製権」が放棄されている状態に等しい。
収益が公平に分配されない 音楽サブスクの収益は再生回数に応じて音源供給者に分配されますが、再生回数のカウント方法や不正再生の定義に不確かな部分があります。さらに、実情として、一部のメジャー楽曲への収益分配に比較的再生数の少ない大多数の楽曲が犠牲となっています。例えば、ある大手音楽サブスク事業者では、全体の80% 近くを占める年間再生数1,000未満の楽曲に対しては収益を分配しない方針をとっています。
Service development background
With the rapid spread of music subs in recent years, the market for the traditional music master recordings business, such as physical CD sales in shops and digital sales via download, has been shrinking rapidly. As a result of declining revenues, sound creators and their colleagues are facing serious challenges. Not only have their creative activities been hampered but the future development of artists has also been restricted. To make matters worse, in an increasing number of cases they are being forced to shutter their businesses.
Furthermore, the quality of the majority of current streaming music subs are not always satisfactory for sound distributors.
Master reproduction rights not taken into account  Despite the fact that the master recording of the music is reproduced (copied) on the system in proportion to the number of simultaneous users, the contract between the sound distributor and the music subs operator is tantamount to a waiver of the ‘master reproduction rights’ which are copyright-adjacent.
Revenue not distributed fairly  Revenue from music subs is distributed to sound distributors according to the number of times played, but there are uncertainties in the counting method as well as the definition of unauthorized playback. The reality is that the majority of songs with relatively low play counts are sacrificed to the revenue distribution of a few major songs. For example, one major music subs operator has a policy of not distributing revenue to songs with fewer than 1,000 plays per year, which account for nearly 80% of all plays.
We aim to provide a sustainable platform for those involved in the music industry by properly managing, operating, and protecting the output and rights of musicians.

創業メンバー Founders
伏島 和雄:35周年を迎えるR&B/POP/ROCK バンド“FLYING KIDS”のBassistでリーダー。音楽レーベル主宰。著作権知識や他アーティストへのプロデュース経験も豊富
Kazuo FUSEJIMA: Leader and bassist of the R&B/POP/ROCK band "FLYING KIDS," celebrating their 35th anniversary. Runs his own music label. Has extensive knowledge of copyright issues and rich experiences producing other artists.

八木 禎治:グラミー賞とラテン・グラミー賞を受賞したエンジニア/プロデューサー。日本人初となる3度の受賞と、2度のノミネート。米国ロスアンゼルス在住。
Sadaharu YAGI: Grammy and Latin Grammy Award-winning engineer/producer. The first Japanese artist to win three Grammys and to have been nominated twice. Based in Los Angeles, USA.

長澤 精久:プロデューサー。2011年経済産業省クールジャパン中国担当ディレクター。
Kiyohisa NAGASAWA: Producer, Director of Cool Japan China, a department in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, 2011

本件に関するお問い合わせ Contact
クラウド・クックー・ランド Cloud Cuckoo Land Inc.
担当:伏島 和雄 Kazuo FUSEJIMA











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