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Aoba-Japan International School「CHOOSE JAPAN EDUCATION FAIR 2015」 開催のお知らせ

PR TIMES / 2015年2月2日 15時47分


2015年2月6日(金)、アオバジャパン・インターナショナルスクール(所在地:東京都練馬区、以下アオバ)は、国内在住の高校生と英語で国際的な教育を提供する国内大学との交流イベント「CHOOSE JAPAN EDUCATION FAIR 2015」を、光が丘キャンパス(東京都練馬区)で開催いたします。

Aoba-Japan International School (A-JIS), Nerima Tokyo, will hold an event, the “CHOOSE JAPAN EDUCATION FAIR 2015,” on February 6th, 2015 at the A-JIS Hikarigaoka campus in Nerima-ku, Tokyo. This event aims to provide a venue for high school students residing in Japan an opportunity to interact with and obtain information on Japanese universities that provide international education with English as the main language of instruction.
[画像: http://prtimes.jp/i/7951/59/resize/d7951-59-988928-0.jpg ]


アオバは、国際的な教育を提供する国内の大学と、そうした大学への進学に興味を持つ日本在住の高校生との交流の場として、大学紹介イベント「CHOOSE JAPAN EDUCATION FAIR 2015」を開催いたします。昨年に続き今年で2度目となるこのイベントでは、文部科学省のグローバル人材養成事業である「グローバル30[1]」校を含む大学が、参加高校生に対するプレゼンテーションを行います。また、各大学のブースでは、大学関係者と高校生の間でFace to Faceの交流ができ、参加生徒は必要な情報を集めることができます。昨年は16の大学と約350名の高校生が参加しました。


◆日時:2015年2月6日(金) 10:00~16:30
◆場所:アオバジャパン・インターナショナルスクール 光が丘キャンパス内体育館
10:00~  イベント開始/各大学ブースオープン
16:30    イベント終了
◆対象者:関東全域の高校1年生~3年生(Gr.10~12) *一般の高校在籍者にもご参加いただけます
◆参加申し込み:不要(個人の場合) *団体での参加については事前にご連絡ください。


The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports (MEXT) has started the Super Global High School initiative, following their mission to increase the number of IB schools in Japan to 200 by the end of 2018. This demonstrates that more people are becoming interested in global education in Japan. In particular, the Fair aims to provide information about universities with an international focus to students who have a background in international education at the high school level. Historically, information about such universities and opportunities within Japan has not been effectively conveyed to students at any level.

Against this backdrop, A-JIS has decided to hold an event- “CHOOSE JAPAN EDUCATION FAIR 2015”-, which will bring together such high school students residing in Japan and those universities providing global education in English. This event aims to allow those high school students to gain more knowledge about Japanese universities providing internationally focused programs. A-JIS will invite universities that offer international programs, including those that are part of the “Global 30[1]” initiative sponsored by MEXT. The schools in attendance will provide information and make presentations to the high school students from A-JIS and other regional schools. The Fair presents the opportunity for university staff and students to interact face-to-face, and students will be able to gather information on issues of their interest. This event was held in 2014 for the first time. We had 16 universities and around 350 participants.

All of the A-JIS divisions (the elementary school division, the middle school division, and the high school division) are presently also IB World School candidates (for the PYP, MYP and DP). Our objective is to become a fully accredited provider of the International Baccalaureate Programme and to be a school which could pull international education in Japan. We are committed to continuing to improve the quality of education at A-JIS. Pathways to post-secondary education is core to our mission, and the Choose Japan Fair is a direct result of this.

【Outline of Events】
◆Date &Time :Friday, February 6th 2015 10:00~16:30
◆Venue:Aoba-Japan International School Campus Gymnasium (5-1, Hikarigaoka 7-chome, Nerima-ku)
◆Organizations: (as of 28th Jan)
Business Breakthrough University/ Doshisha University/International Christian University/Lakeland College/Nagoya University/Ritsumeikan University/Tama University/Temple University/Tsukuba University/Yamanashi Gakuin University
10:00 AM opening
4:30 PM closing
◆Attendees:Kanto-based Grades10~12 students *Students attending conventional Japanese high schools (Japanese based, non-international) are also welcome.
◆Registration:Not necessary for individual attendance *If you plan to attend in groups through your school , please contact us in advance.

[1]A project by MEXT that aims to establish a hub for internationalization and promote internationalization of academic environment of Japanese universities through implementation of networks. Presently, 13 universities including Tokyo University, Kyoto University have joined this project, endeavoring to push forward with the globalization of Japanese universities. http://www.uni.international.mext.go.jp/global30/



Aoba-Japan International School is a candidate school* for the Primary Years Programme, the Middle Years Programme, and the Diploma Program. This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy–a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that Aoba-Japan International School believes is important for our students.

*Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its three academic programs: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), or the Diploma Programme (and in addition the IB Career-related Certificate). Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted.
For further information about the IB and its programs, visit http://www.ibo.org











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