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被災地の子供達との国際交流イベント“Nadia International Soccer Friendly Cup”を開催します(アオバジャパン・インターナショナルスクール,Nadia共催)

PR TIMES / 2015年5月14日 14時22分

【日時】2015年5月23日、24日 【場所】アオバジャパン・インターナショナルスクール光が丘キャンパス(東京都練馬区)

アオバジャパン・インターナショナルスクール(所在地:東京都練馬区、以下アオバ)は、NPO法人Nadia(以下Nadia) と共同で、“Nadia International Soccer Friendly Cup”を2015年5月23日、24日にアオバ光が丘キャンパスにて開催いたします。
Aoba-Japan International School (Located in Nerima ward, Tokyo. “A-JIS”)and Nadia (Nadia is a registered NPO) will hold an event, the “Nadia International Soccer Friendly Cup,” on May 23rd and 24th, 2015, at the A-JIS Hikarigaoka campus.



Nadia is an incorporated non-profit organization that was established in March 2011 by a group of international and Japanese volunteers in reaction to the Tohoku Earthquake of 3/11 and the disastrous consequences that followed. As an international volunteer group focusing on helping the recovery of devastated areas, they have been engaged in a variety of support and recovery efforts since then.

This event will be held for the purpose of providing an opportunity for kids from Tohoku affected areas, Tokyo, and from abroad to come together, compete together in a friendly soccer tournament and build friendship through activities of the 2 day event. The event will also help raise awareness of participating Tokyo residents and international community on the situation of those directly affected by the 3/11/2011 earthquake and aftermath from Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima .
We will have 8 teams in total, 4 teams from Tohoku public schools and 4 teams from Tokyo-based international schools. Kids from Tohoku will stay at Aoba-Japan International School during this event, and each Tokyo team will support a Tohoku team throughout the weekend. Volunteers from our sponsors’ organizations will also be supporting the event.

◆場所:アオバジャパン・インターナショナルスクール 光が丘キャンパス(練馬区光が丘7-5-1)
◆対象年齢:9歳~11歳(Grades 2-5)
23日 オープニングセレモニー/サッカートーナメント/課外活動
24日 決勝戦/表彰式/スポンサーによるミニトーナメント/BBQ

【Outline of Events】
◆Date &Time :May 23rd to 24th, 2015
◆Venue:Aoba-Japan International School Campus Gymnasium(5-1, Hikarigaoka 7-chome, Nerima-ku)
◆Player age: 9-11 yrs (Grades 2-5)
23 rd Opening Ceremony / Matches / Activities
24th Final Match / Awards / Sponsor mini-Tournament / BBQ
Participating Schools from Tokyo:
Aoba-Japan International School / Yokohama International School/
Tiny Titans (organized by parents of kids attending St. Mary's)/ German International School
Participating Teams from Tohoku:
Aizu Santos (Aizu, Fukushima) / Oono FC (Minami-Souma,Fukushima)/
Shishiori FC (Kesennuma ,Miyagi) / Fantajista FC (Ishinomaki, Miyagi)

キャピタル・グループ/ソシエテ ジェネラル/J.P.モルガン/BNPパリバ/ドイツ銀行グループ/シザーズキッチン/ラミカル(フレンチシェフ・食品輸入コミュニティ)
◆Supporting Organizations:
Nadia and A-JIS would like to extend a special thank to our sponsors for making this event happen:
Capital Group, Societe Generale, J.P. Morgan, BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank Group, Cezars Kitchen, L’Amicale (French Chef / Food importers Community)

[画像1: http://prtimes.jp/i/7951/79/resize/d7951-79-395288-0.jpg ]

2011年の3月に設立されたNPO法人。東日本大震災から完全に復興するための支援を行うことを目的としている。Nadiaのボランティアスタッフは石巻をはじめとする東北エリアにおけるがれき撤去や子どもの遊び場を復活させるための「Playground of Hope」プロジェクト、イタリアでのホームステイを実現させる「Fukushima Kids to Italy」サマーホームステイなど様々な復興支援プロジェクトに参加し支援を続けている。さらに、昨年の9月には元サッカー選手で、Nadiaのサッカープロジェクトのパートナーであり、“Nadia International Soccer Friendly Cup”のアドバイザーである加藤久氏の協力により陸前高田で新しいサッカークラブハウスの建設が実現した。
【What is Nadia】
Nadia is a registered NPO founded in March 2011 to help people affected by disasters. Since 2011, Nadia has been primarily focused on helping Tohoku making a full recovery following the Great East Japan (Tohoku) Earthquake. Its volunteers have been supporting multiple recovery projects in Ishinomaki and other regions in Tohoku such as house debris clearing, Playground of Hope projects and Fukushima Kids to Italy summer home stays. In addition, last September, a new soccer club house was delivered in Rikuzentakata in partnership with Hisashi Kato, our football project partner and adviser in the Nadia International Soccer Friendly Cup.

[画像2: http://prtimes.jp/i/7951/79/resize/d7951-79-415445-1.jpg ]

株式会社ビジネス・ブレークスルー(所在地:東京都千代田区、代表取締役:大前研一、以下BBT)の子会社であるアオバインターナショナルエデュケイショナルシステムズ(本店:東京都練馬区)が運営する歴史あるインターナショナルスクール。1976年に目黒区青葉台での開校。幼児から12年生(高校3年生)までを対象とした、特定の宗教を持たない共学のインターナショナルスクール。日本語クラス以外の授業はすべて英語で行われ、英語圏の英語教材を使用。英語の苦手な生徒をサポートする非常に効果的なプログラムも用意され、質の高い教育を提供している。幼稚園から高校までの全ての課程において北米および国際水準のカリキュラムを提供、卒業生は世界中の大学への出願資格が得られる。さらに、アオバはCIS(Council of International Schools)および NEASC(New England Association of Schools and Colleges)の認証も受けているほか、全ての課程(初等課程:PYPプログラム、中等教育課程(ミドルスクール):MYPプログラム、高等教育課程(ハイスクール):DPプログラム)において、国際バカロレアの認定候補校となっている。 http://www.aobajapan.jp/



【About Aoba-Japan International School】
A-JIS is an international school operated by Aoba International Educational Systems (Aoba) (Head Office: Tokyo, Nerima-ku), which became a subsidiary of Business Breakthrough Inc. (BBT) (Location: Tokyo, Chiyoda-ku, President: Kenichi Ohmae) in October 2013. Founded in 1976 in Aobadai, Meguro-ku, Aoba-Japan International School is a pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12, co-ed, secular school open to all nationalities and religions. Except for Japanese language classes, all classes are conducted in English and use native language resources. For students who have difficulty communicating in English, A-JIS has a strong and effective English language support program that prepares students for the mainstream program. From pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12, the school provides a curriculum that follows international standards, and graduates can obtain the credentials they require to apply to universities worldwide. A-JIS is accredited through the Council of International Schools (CIS) and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). All of the A-JIS divisions (the elementary school division, the middle school division, and the high school division) are presently also IB World School candidates (for the PYP, MYP and DP).  http://www.aobajapan.jp/

Aoba-Japan International School is a candidate school* for the Primary Years Programme, the Middle Years Programme, and the Diploma Program. This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy–a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that Aoba-Japan International School believes is important for our students.
*Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its three academic programs: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), or the Diploma Programme (and in addition the IB Career-related Certificate). Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted.
For further information about the IB and its programs, visit http://www.ibo.org

In October 2013, Aoba became a subsidiary of BBT. With this, BBT is now involved in pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12 education in addition to the university, graduate school and business education courses. BBT is evolving into an educational institution that provides lifelong education.











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