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booost technologies、これ以上、気候変動を悪化させないために JCLP「#だから1・5度」キャンペーンに賛同

PR TIMES / 2024年9月27日 17時30分


 統合型SXプラットフォーム「サステナビリティERP*」の提供により企業のSXの加速を支援するbooost technologies株式会社(東京都品川区、代表取締役:青井宏憲 以下 当社)は、これまで事業を通じて、持続可能でNET-ZEROな未来の実現および企業のSX、GX推進に取り組んでまいりましたが、社会全体での取り組みをさらに後押しするため、このたび日本気候リーダーズ・パートナーシップ(JCLP)が主催する「#だから1・5度」キャンペーンに賛同しました。
Japanese followed by English translation

■「#だから1・5度」 キャンペーンとは





[画像1: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/56793/132/56793-132-155ac39ebaca0900cabc8f933bb314f3-1725x430.png?width=536&quality=85%2C75&format=jpeg&auto=webp&fit=bounds&bg-color=fff ]

協力:一般社団法人 日本ご当地キャラクター協会
- キャンペーン特設ページ 開設 URL:https://japan-clp.jp/lp/save15
- キャンペーン連動広告(地方新聞等へのキャンペーン広告、SNS発信等。2024年9月下旬以降順次開始)
- 賛同企業による「自分ゴトとしての気候変動ストーリー」の発信 ※各社ストーリーは特設ページに掲載


 気候変動に真摯に取り組み、脱炭素社会への転換において、社会から求められる存在となることを目指す経済団体。企業の 脱炭素化実践や政策提言を実施。様々な業種から約245社(2024年8月時点)が加盟。HPはこちら
[画像2: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/56793/132/56793-132-deae22f644d12f13861725c469f10bb7-1919x1073.png?width=536&quality=85%2C75&format=jpeg&auto=webp&fit=bounds&bg-color=fff ]booost technologies株式会社

 サステナビリティERP*「booost Sustainability Cloud」とコンサルティングサービスを提供しています。自社およびサプライヤーのサステナビリティ情報を管理する「booost Sustainability Cloud」は、グローバル80カ国、18万拠点で利用されており、CSRDやISSB、グローバルでの第三者保証等に対応しています。プライム上場企業への支援実績を多数持つ「コンサルティングサービス」は、「Scope1, 2, 3算定支援」「ESGデータ・ESG開示作成」等、各種メニューを自走化を見据えながら実施します。企業価値向上が求められるエンタープライズ企業のSX(サステナビリティ トランスフォーメーション),GX(グリーン トランスフォーメーション)の加速に貢献します。

会社名: booost technologies株式会社
所在地: 東京都品川区大崎一丁目6 番4 号新大崎勧業ビルディング10階
設 立: 2015年4月15日
代表者: 代表取締役 青井 宏憲
資本金: 1億円(2023年6月30日時点)
・「booost Sustainability Cloud」の開発運営

booost及びBOOOSTは、booost technologies株式会社の登録商標です。
*サステナビリティERP: グローバル企業におけるサステナビリティ情報管理のあり方を最適化する「統合型SXプラットフォーム」。CSRDやISSB等、国内外のサステナビリティ開示基準や規制への対応をはじめ、企業価値向上が求められるエンタープライズ企業のSX(サステナビリティ トランスフォーメーション),GX(グリーン トランスフォーメーション)の加速に貢献。
※ERPとは:Enterprise Resource Planning(企業資源計画)の略語で、企業活動におけるあらゆる情報を連携・集約した統合基幹業務システムのこと。販売、財務、人事・給与、在庫購買、生産等の領域でデータを管理し、企業の基幹情報を、統合的かつリアルタイムに処理し、経営の最適化を図る経営概念のこと。

To prevent further worsening of climate change, we, Booost Technologies, support the JCLP "#1.5 Degrees" campaign.

 booost technologies Inc. (Shinagawa, Tokyo, CEO: Hirokatsu Aoi), which supports the acceleration of corporate sustainability transformation (SX) through its integrated SX platform "Sustainability ERP*," has been committed to realizing a sustainable and net-zero future and promoting corporate SX and green transformation (GX) through its business. To further support efforts across society, we have now endorsed the "#1.5 Degrees" campaign organized by the Japan Climate Leaders Partnership (JCLP).

■ What is the "#1.5 Degrees" Campaign?
 This year marks a crucial period as the government considers new greenhouse gas reduction targets. The JCLP encourages participating companies to recognize climate change as a "personal issue" and to collectively reaffirm the internationally agreed-upon "1.5-degree target" to prevent climate crises. Specifically, the campaign will involve numerous endorsing companies sharing their personal stories related to this issue and creating opportunities for local discussions about climate change in collaboration with local characters, thereby expanding awareness of the "1.5-degree target."
<Supporting Message>

 Climate change is a “personal issue” for our company as well. Established in 2015, which is often referred to as the first year of the “Sustainability Revolution”, we continue to tackle climate change, the greatest challenge in human history.

 We support companies' GX and SX by providing a Sustainability ERP that boosts sustainability management, including significant reductions in GHG emissions, which have a profound impact on climate change.

 Our company is committed to building a foundation for a future where society is not threatened by the impacts of climate change, allowing future generations to live sustainably and securely. We will keep progressing as a partner in advancing corporate GX and SX initiatives to achieve genuine sustainability.

“Creating a future, we can be proud of for the next generation, #1.5 Degrees.”

■Campaign Overview
Organizer: JCLP
Cooperation:General Incorporated Association Japan Local Character Association
Campaign Period:September 18, 2024, to the end of November 2024 (with a possibility of extension into the year depending on circumstances)
Implementation Overview:
- Launch of the campaign
- Campaign-related advertisements (including campaign ads in local newspapers and social media outreach, starting sequentially from late September 2024)
- Sharing "personal climate change stories" by endorsing companies. Each company’s story will be featured on the dedicated page.

■Origin of the Campaign
 As the crisis of climate change looms, critical policies are under consideration.

 According to the United Nations, climate change poses significant threats to human life and livelihoods, warning of an increase in deaths by 250,000 annually due to health-related issues and the worsening of global food crises. In Japan, emergency transport cases related to heatstroke have reached approximately 100,000 per year, with over 1,000 deaths, and the impact on agricultural products is starting to strain household finances.

 Amidst this situation, the government is currently reviewing greenhouse gas reduction targets and the basic energy plan. The outcome of these discussions is attracting attention regarding Japan's ability to demonstrate leadership on the global stage as a member of the G7 and as an advanced nation.

■About booost technologies, Inc.
 We aim to contribute to the transformation of sustainability in Japan as a partner in advancing corporate SX toward a more sustainable and net-zero future.

 We offer our sustainability ERP “booost Sustainability Cloud” and consulting services. The “booost Sustainability Cloud,” used in 180,000 locations across 80 countries, manages both company and supplier sustainability information and complies with global standards such as CSRD, ISSB, and thirdparty assurance. Our consulting services, with extensive experience supporting prime listed companies, offer diverse options including “Scope 1, 2, and 3 calculation support” and “ESG data and disclosure preparation.” We implement these services with a focus on achieving self-sustaining practices. We are committed to accelerating the SX (Sustainability Transformation) and GX (Green Transformation) of enterprise-level organizations to enhance corporate value.
Corporate website

booost and BOOOST are registered trademarks of booost technologies inc.
* Sustainability ERP: An “integrated SX platform” that optimizes sustainability information management for global enterprises. It supports compliance with domestic and international sustainability disclosure standards such as CSRD and ISSB and contributes to accelerating SX (Sustainability Transformation) and GX (Green Transformation) for companies aiming to enhance corporate value.
ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning, a system that integrates and aggregates all business information across areas such as sales, finance, human resources, inventory, and production. It enables real-time processing of core business data to optimize management and operations.











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