世界初!離れていてもユーザー同士で同じ画面を見ながら、指示や遠隔操作ができる 家族・友人と使い方を教え合えるスマホ*1向けサポートサービス「Optia」を開始
@Press / 2013年2月25日 13時30分
株式会社オプティム(東京本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:菅谷 俊二、以下 オプティム)は、スマートフォンの使い方がわからない時などに、離れた場所にいるユーザー同士が同じ画面を見ながら指示や遠隔操作をすることで、まるでお互いが目の前にいるかの様に、いつでもどこでも身近な家族や友人と使い方を教え合うことができる、世界で初めてのスマートフォン*1向けソーシャルサポートサービス「Optia」(オプティア)を2月25日より開始いたします。
Google Play(TM)にてダウンロードして、相手先を登録するだけで簡単にご利用になれます。当面の間、キャンペーンとして無料でご利用になれます。(*1 Android(TM)版のみ)
当サービスは2月25日より開催されます“Mobile World Congress”(スペイン、バルセロナ)に出展、全世界へ同時展開いたします。
・無料配布:キャンペーン中はGoogle Playにて無料でダウンロードできます。
商号 :株式会社オプティム
佐賀本店 :佐賀県佐賀市高木瀬町東高木223-1
東京本社 :東京都港区港南1丁目6番34号 品川イースト
代表者 :菅谷 俊二
主要株主 :菅谷 俊二
設立 :2000年6月
資本金 :1億8,338万円
主要取引先:日本電信電話株式会社、東日本電信電話株式会社、西日本電信電話株式会社、エヌ・ティ・ティ・コムウェア株式会社、株式会社エヌ・ティ・ティ エムイー、株式会社NTTぷらら、株式会社大塚商会、シャープ株式会社、株式会社ピーシーデポコーポレーション、KDDI株式会社、キヤノンマーケティングジャパン株式会社、パナソニックソリューションテクノロジー株式会社、富士ゼロックス株式会社など (順不同)
事業内容:複雑化するITインフラ・ユビキタス社会において、誰もがITを快適に使えるための利用環境最適化と企業側で増大するサポートコストの軽減を目的としたソリューション『Optimal(オプティマル)』を提供。『Optimal』は、コンシューマー向け、NGN向けSetup、Diagnostic、MarketingソリューションやHome network向けソリューション、企業向けソリューションと幅広いターゲットに向けたソリューションを展開し、サポートするデバイスはパソコンだけでなく、Mobile、Router、TV、Game、Multifunction Peripheral、Server、Printer、DVD recorderなど家庭内、企業内でつながる様々なネットワーク機器が対象
・「Optia」はSAMSUNG GALAXY Series Android 2.3以上で動作します。
・Androidは、Google Inc.の商標または登録商標です。記載の会社名および製品名は、各社の登録商標および商標です。
Press Release
February 25th, 2013
OPTiM Corporation
OPTiM Debuts Optia at Mobile World Congress 2013, World's First Smartphone-to-Smartphone Remote Support & Screen-to-Screen Sharing App
New York, NY (February 25, 2013)―OPTiM, a leader in providing IT support solutions that enable creativity, collaboration and convenience while online, today announced the debut of Optia for Android(TM), the first-ever app to enable remote support between smartphone users. With Optia, smartphone owners having trouble figuring out how to use a particular feature or app on their device can simply enable screen-sharing and remote operation with family and friends, and get real-time instructions from a trusted source, as if they were right in front of you. It's both simple and secure.
Powered by OPTiM's one-of-a-kind technology, Optia delivers a brand-new support ecosystem for smartphone users, making it easier than ever to source instructions and feedback to resolve issues and answer questions. Most importantly, OPTiM makes it possible to do this anytime, anywhere, without having to rely on inconvenient call centers.
*Optia's full feature list includes:
●Screen Sharing:Solve problems by sharing your screen with another
●Visual Step-By-Step:In-app markers allow for easy, visual, step-by-step support guidance
●Remote Operation:Give and receive support anytime, anywhere from a remote device
●Easy Connection:Connect to support as easily as if you were making a call
●Chat:Send and receive text messages while remotely controlling a device
●Free:For a limited time only, Optia is now available for FREE through Google Play(TM)
“The need for fast support solutions, whenever and wherever, has never been higher,” said Shunji Sugaya, President of OPTiM. “As the first-ever app to enable remote support between smartphone users, Optia offers Android owners instant and endless support possibilities. We're thrilled to bring such a timely, useful and hassle free resource to Android phones.”
In addition to everyday smartphone owners, OPTiM's Optia app will also deliver significant cost-reduction benefits to both device manufacturers and wireless carriers, as customers who have been unable to resolve their smartphone IT-related issues through customer support can cost U.S. carriers, for instance, a total of $2 billion per year.** By opening the support ecosystem to include trusted parties like family and friends through the use of Optia's remote operation and screen-sharing capabilities, manufacturers and carriers alike are provided a tool for organically reducing these support costs while also making the support experience easier, more flexible and convenient for their customers.
OPTiM is a known leader in web and mobile support solutions in Japan. OPTiM's Optimal Biz for Mobile platform enables companies to manage large numbers of employee smartphones and tablets, delivering functions like remote lock to prevent information leakage from lost or stolen devices. Optimal Biz for Mobile is the top mobile device management (MDM) system in Japan. OPTiM's Optimal Remote service, used by over 12 million, also helps Japan-based wireless providers remote operate customer phones to resolve IT issues. In total, in Japan, over 32 million rely on OPTiM's suite of support products and technologies.
■About OPTiM
Based in Tokyo, Japan, OPTiM, provides solutions that reduce support costs for enterprises and is focused on evolving online experiences so that the Internet becomes something that you aren't even conscious of―like the air you breathe. OPTiM's suite of solutions includes setup, diagnostic and marketing tools for NGN and home networks, and also targets mobile devices, routers, TVs, gaming platforms, multifunction peripherals, servers, printers and DVD recorders.
*Optia System Requirements: Android 2.3 or Higher, Internet Connectivity Required (WiFi Recommended), Galaxy availability coming soon
**According to the “Controlling the Android”( ) study by wireless experience management experts WDS, released November 2011
■Media Contacts:
Soomi Park
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