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「沢山のLGBTQ+のアーティストたちが出てきていて、私もその一人なんだから、自分の音楽を通して表現しなきゃと思った。そうすることで人々を助けることができるのであれば、お互いを助け合うことに貢献したかった」Interview with Pale Waves about “Who Am I?”

NeoL / 2021年3月22日 17時0分

「沢山のLGBTQ+のアーティストたちが出てきていて、私もその一人なんだから、自分の音楽を通して表現しなきゃと思った。そうすることで人々を助けることができるのであれば、お互いを助け合うことに貢献したかった」Interview with Pale Waves about “Who Am I?”


マンチェスターの4人組、ペール・ウェーヴスが2枚目のフル・アルバム『Who Am I?』をリリースした。「最初にレコードを書いた23歳の時よりも、もっと喜んで自分自身をさらけ出せるようになったんだと思う」。ソングライターのヘザー・バロン・グレイシーがそう語る今作は、“愛”が大きなテーマのひとつになっている。と同時に、彼女にとって『Who Am I?』は、LQBTQ+としての自らのセクシャリティをオープンにした作品でもある。パートナーや家族、自分自身、そして困難な立場に置かれた女性たちに向けて注がれる様々なかたちの“愛”。そうして綴られたまっすぐな言葉たちが、90〜2000年代のポップ・パンクやパワー・ポップにインスピレーションを得たサウンドにのせて力強く歌い上げられている。今作の制作にあたりヘザーのなかで芽生えた新たな意識、それによってバンドにもたらされたポジティヴな変化を感じることができるのではないだろうか。(→ in English)


――ニュー・アルバムの『Who Am I?』は、パーソナルな告白でありながら普遍的なことが歌われていて、たくさんの問いかけや共感に満ちた作品だと思います。リリースされてから1ヶ月近くが経ち、様々な声が届けられたと思いますが、率直にどう受け止めていますか? そうした声を目にして、アルバムについて新たな気づきのようなものはありましたか?

ヘザー「みんなに『レコードのお気に入りの曲は何?』って投票を募ったから、1ヶ月間どの曲がみんなのお気に入りかを実際に目にすることができた。あれを見るのはすごく興味深かったな。アルバム・リリースのキャンペーンなんかで特定のトラックを押すと、それが自動的にお気に入りになっちゃったりするでしょ? で、次に違う曲が展開されると、それが新しいお気に入りになったり。でも今回は、アルバム全体の曲をまず同じように聴いてから、その中でみんなが何を選ぶかを知ることができたからよかった」


ヘザー「もちろん! 大満足。予想よりも遥かに良いリアクションをもらってると思う。期待以上よ」








ヘザー「天気! こっちの方が気候が何倍もいいの。もうあの雨ばっかりの環境には戻れない(笑)。雨はもう一生分経験したから(笑)」







ヘザー「今回は、アルバムを2つ状況でレコーディングしたでしょ? 一つ目の状況はパンデミック前。二つ目の状況はパンデミックが始まったあと。初日、私がスタジオにきたら、私とプロデューサーしかいなかったんだけど、あの時のスタジオの不気味な雰囲気が忘れられない。お互い近寄り過ぎないようにして、マスクも手袋もつけて、そこらじゅうに消毒剤が置いてあって……あの異常な雰囲気。なんか、不毛地帯って感じ。あの感じはすごく覚えてる。早く作業を終わらせなきゃって思った」











ヘザー「クィア・コミュニティが私たちのバンドをファースト・アルバムの時よりももっと受け入れてくれるようになったと思う。GAY TIMESに取り上げてもらったのもすごくクールだった。みんなにより認識してもらえるようになったことは、嬉しいことの一つ」



――“She’s My Religion”は、パートナーのケルシー・ルックのことを歌った曲ですね。MVには彼女も出演していますが、 撮影時のエピソードや印象に残っているシーンを教えてください。

ヘザー「撮影の時はロンドンに住んでいたんだけど、当時コロナで誰も車を借りる人がいなかったから、レンタカーがすごく安くなってて。だからマネージャーが新品のポルシェを借りて私たちを迎えにきたんだけど、その車がほんっとうに美しくて。でも現場に着いた時、マネージャーがその車を監督の車にぶつけちゃった(笑)。過激だったわけじゃないんだけど、超新品のポルシェをぶつけたってことで、みんな唖然としちゃって。それがまず一つ。あともう一つは、私がフィールドを走っているシーンを撮っている時のこと。地面が平らじゃなくて、結構ぬかるんでいたわけ。だから、その上を走るのがすっごく大変だった。泥の上を走るのって結構キツイよね? 転ばなかったのがビックリ」



――“Easy”では、愛がもたらすポジティヴな変化――自分自身や人生の見方、物事の捉え方に与える変化が歌われています。ご自身としては、今のパートナーと出会って自分はどう変わったと感じていますか? また、このことがバンドや自分が書く音楽にどんな変化をもたらしたと感じていますか?


――ケルシーが書いた歌詞が使われた“You Don’t Own Me”は、この世界で女性であることがどのようなものかについて歌われた曲ですが、この曲が生まれた背景について教えてください。

ヘザー「この曲は、あるポエムから生まれてる。私のパートナーのケルシーがその詩を私に詠んでくれたんだけど、曲の2つ目のバースがまさにそのポエム。すごくインスパイアされたし、背景にある強いメッセージが気に入って。私自身も女性だから性差別の経験はある。特にこの業界、女性であり、ギターを弾くということは実は大変。女性は歌うものだと思っている男性って意外と多かったりするよね。それって本当にがっかり。でもあのポエムに感化されて、次の日に“You Don’t Own Me”を書いた。ケルシーの詩がインスピレーションだったんだ」




――サウンドに関しては今回、アヴリル・ラヴィーンやアラニス・モリセットといった1990年代や2000年代の音楽から大きなインスピレーションを受けたと聞きました。実際、ドリーミーで耽美だったデビュー・アルバム『My Mind Makes Noises』に対して、今作はハードでパワフルな音の強さが際立って感じられます。個人的にはパラモアやヘイリー・ウィリアムスの音楽に通じるものも感じましたが、具体的に彼女たちの音楽のどんなところに刺激を受けたり惹きつけられたりしたのでしょうか?










ヘザー「ここ最近、沢山カントリー・ミュージックを聴いていたからかもしれない。カントリーって、アコースティック・ギターが原動力になっているでしょ? カントリーのミュージシャンたちはみんなギターを弾いて歌うことで曲を作ってる。今回は私もそのアプローチを取り入れてみたかったんだ」






――今回の「Who Am I?」というアルバムタイトルは曲名から取られたものですが、この問いかけに答えは見つかりましたか? このアルバムを通じてあなたが発見したのは、どんな自分でしたか?

ヘザー「ううん。それはまだ。人間誰もが、その答えにたどり着くことはできないんじゃないかなと思う。だって、私たち人間って常に進化してるでしょ? 自分の決意に驚かされることもあるし、考え方が変わる時もある。自分が何者かっていう答えが出来上がるのってすごく難しいことなんじゃないかな。私は、自分をもう少し深く理解したかっただけで、完全に理解しようとしていたわけではない。それは不可能だと思うし、それよりも、自分がすべきは、自分自身を今よりもっと理解しようとすることだと思うんだよね」


ヘザー「ペール・ウェーヴスは日本が大好き。それは誰もが知ってるし、また日本に行ってファンのみんなに会えるのを楽しみにしている! またね!」


text Junnosuke Amai(TW)
edit Ryoko Kuwahara(TW / IG)

Pale Waves
『Who Am I?』
Now On Sale
(Dirty Hit )

1. Change 2. Fall To Pieces 3. She’s My Religion 4. Easy 5. Wish U Were Here 6. Tomorrow 7. You Don’t Own Me 8. I Just Needed You 9. Odd Ones Out 10. Run To 11. Who Am I? 12. Tomorrow (Demo) 日本盤ボーナストラック



Pale Waves
ヘザー・バロン・グレイシー率いる英インディーロック・バンド。The 1975やウルフ・アリス、ビーバドゥービー等を擁するUK気鋭レーベル<Dirty Hit>と契約し、2017年2月にレーベルメイトであるThe 1975のマシュー・ヒーリーとジョージ・ダニエルがプロデュースしたデビュー・シングル「There's A Honey」を発表し脚光を浴びる。同年8月、セカンド・シングル「Television Romance」を発表し、Spotifyの<最優秀インディー・リスト2017>に選出。当時シングルを2枚しかリリースしていない新人としては異例の早さでNMEの表紙に抜擢される。BBCによる<Sound of 2018>やMTVによる<Brand New 2018>など多くの音楽媒体でノミネートされ、ブレイク必至の有力新人として世界中から注目を集めた。2018年、NMEアワードにて最優秀新人賞を獲得し、デビューEP『All The Things I Never Said』をリリース。2018年開催のサマーソニックで初来日を果たすと、同年、デビュー・アルバム『My Mind Makes Noises』をリリース。2019年にはジャパンツアーを慣行し東京2公演をソールドアウト、同年に開催されたサマソニにて2年連続出演を果たす。2021年2月には待望のセカンド・アルバム『Who Am I?』をリリースしUKアルバム・チャート初登場3位を獲得した。


ーEven from the title, your recent release, “Who am I?” is a symbolic album. Despite being personal, it had a relatable message and touched the feelings of many. It has been a month since the release. Seeing how your audience react to your work, was there anything you became aware of?

Heather : It was interesting to see how people reacted to my new songs. Within a month I was able to see which songs were their favourite.
Then you release a new song within an album campaign. People automatically say it is their favourite, cause they are excited by the track. And then you release a new album than have a new favourite. But it’s cool to see how people live with the album for a while and find their ultimate favourite.

ーAre you happy with the reaction from your album?

Heather : Yes completely. Its been so much better than I expected. It surpassed my expectations.

ーAre you in America right now?

Heather : Yes, I am currently in America. I’m living with Louis at the moment. I’m going down to Nashville and then I’m going back to LA.

ーYou seem to like America well.

Heather : Yes, I do, very much.

ーDo you have any plans to go back to England?

Heather : For the foreseeable future, I will be living here.

ーWhat is so great about there compared to England?

Heather : The weather is so much better here. I can’t be asked for the rainy weather anymore. I’m just so done with it.


ーDid the pandemic affect your album process?

Heather : No, the writing process though. The writing was done before the pandemic. But the recording. Half of the band flew home because we recorded in LA. Part of the band didn’t want to be stuck in America so they flew home. So the majority of the album was recorded with just the producer and me in masks and gloves. The boys sent in their parts from their bedrooms in the UK. Which was crazy. That's why the pandemic influenced the album.

ーYou had an accident during your tour last year, it was on the Japanese news. Even with the pandemic, there must have been a lot of challenges to complete this album.

Heather : It was an experience because it soaked out the life of the whole thing. Making a record is a lifetime experience that you never forget. I don’t want to complain because I feel kind of selfish. Everyone is on the same boat. Everyone is going through this. Everyone was having to sacrifice things. I’m just so glad that it got done.

ーWhen you look back, are there any memorable moments?

Heather : We recorded the album in two parts. The first part was a prior pandemic, and the second part was post-pandemic, or like the beginning of the pandemic. The first day I came into the studio and it was me and my producer. It was just kind of a weird feeling in the air. Don’t get too close to me, we were completely masked up. We had gloves on and hand sanitiser everywhere. It was an eerily atmosphere. Very sterile. That was memorable. We felt like we had to get this done quickly.


ーThis new album discusses love for partners, family, friends, fans and even yourself. I'm sure you have sung love songs before but what made you especially focus on this topic?

Heather : Love came into my life during this period when I was writing this album. It consumed me in many ways. It was a subject that was easy for me to write about. And it was something that I wanted to express. Going into the first album, I had various concepts and I planned it all out so I knew what I wanted to speak about. So I wanted to talk about this experience and love, society body image and mental health. I had a collection of themes that I wanted to talk about and love was definitely on there. It’s so universal too. I wanted people to relate to this record.

ーDo you come up with the topics in your music or does it come to you?

Heather : Usually, it comes to me. It's very personal. I spend sometime previously talking about it. I had the ideas before I went into writing the album.

ーThrough this album, you identified yourself as an LGBTQ+. In the song “She’s my religion” you wrote about your partner, and you had lyrics from your partner in “You Don’t Know Me”. What is your thought process that led you to making those decisions?

Heather : Nothing in particular. In comparison to the first record, I wasn’t in love when I was writing the first record. I didn’t have anyone to write about. This record I had someone to write about. I was proud of them, I wanted to display that through my art. It wasn’t that I had this big experience or realisation. It was more like I grew up since the first album had come out and this was when I was going in to write about my second record. I was a lot more ready to reveal, show parts of myself than I was 23 writing my first record. I was ready to embrace the parts that I didn’t know before. I was also aware that there aren’t a lot of LGBTQ+ artists out there. I am one of them therefore I should be displaying that through my music so I can help people. It's all about helping one another. Art is there to comfort people, to give them representation. I knew that I had to play my part.

ーDid you discuss this with your band members?

Heather : The songwriting was just me for the second record. I wrote the album before we started recording, so everything was already done. But the rest of the band heard the demos, they liked it. They were completely on board with the message the album represents.

ーBy being open did anything change?

Heather : Yes, the queer community embraced us as a band. Whereas in the first album we didn’t get that acknowledgement. We weren’t completely open about it and I wasn’t speaking about it in our songs. So it's nice to be embraced. Gay Times put us on the cover of their magazine. Which was cool for us. It's nice to get that recognition now.



ーIn the music video of the song “She’s My Religion”, your partner Kesi Luck was also part of the filming. Do you have any memorable moments from the filming?

Heather : The first one that comes to mind is when my manager came to pick us up. We were living in London at the time. No one was renting cars then because of the coronavirus. The cars were super cheap so my manager pulled up in a brand new Porsche. It was so beautiful and it was five in the morning because we had to drive three hours away to shoot the video.
First of all my manager took a wrong turn in on the motorway so we got stuck in the traffic. We were gonna be late and that threw everyone off because we had to save time.
Well, we arrived at the video shoot and when my manager parked the car, he crashed into the director’s car. It wasn’t anything drastic but it was a brand new Porsche and it was the director’s car. That was kind of the first memory of that day. It was a super cold shoot. And the running scenes of me, when I was running, in the fields. It wasn’t just basic grass. It was all muddy and soft so it was so tough to run on. I was surprised I didn't fall over.

ーDid you get sore the next day?

Heather : I wasn’t that sore. But we had to cut a lot of the running scenes because the director said I looked like a flapping chicken when I was trying to run. I’m not the most elegant runner.

ーIn “Easy” you discuss the positive attributes of love and how it can change the way one sees life. Personally, how do you think your life has changed meeting your partner? Do you think this change is visible in your band and the music you write?

Heather : I think my lifestyle has taken a drastic change. I have removed a lot of toxic things from my lifestyle. I tried to change my perspective on a lot of things and people. It’s changed for the better and it’s so much healthier. Which I am grateful for. Yes, a hundred percent. It influenced the second album and its gonna influence the new music too. It’s about wanting to be a better person and sort of inspiring to be better each day.

ーA few days ago was International Women’s Day. The song "You Don’t Know Me” discusses what it means to be a woman in this world. A section of the lyrics was written by your partner as well. Could you tell us a bit more about how this music was made?

Heather : It was born because originally Kelsi, my partner had a poem, and read it out to me. The second verse of the song is the poem. It inspired me and I loved the strong message behind it. I knew that being a female myself, I have experienced so many sexism and myogenic throughout. Especially this industry, being a woman who plays the guitar too. A lot of men seem to think that women can’t play instruments, they only sing. That's quite frustrating. But I was just really inspired by the poem and therefore the next day I went in and wrote “You Don’t Know Me” and that's how this song came to life. It was originally a poem by Kelsi.

ーWhat were the emotions you wanted to convey?

Heather : I think a lot of anger, frustration but hope too. I feel like strength is projected throughout this song. I think women, in particular, feel represented by this song. We all stand together and we fight for equality. We are not there yet but we continue to fight. It doesn’t matter the age, race anything at all. Especially if you are women, or if you feel like you don’t have equality, you will connect with this song. The song is about people having equality, fairness, and everyone meaning the same.

ーYou mentioned before that your sounds are inspired by Alanis Morissette and Avril Lavigne, 1990-2000 artists. Your debut album, “My Mind Makes Noises” was very dreamy, whereas your new album involves more powerful sounds. I felt that it was similar to Paramour and Hailey Williams. DO you think you were influenced by their music and how?

Heather : I didn’t just want to rewrite the first record. I’ve already written a dreamy synth-pop 80s inspired record. I knew what direction I wanted to take my second record. The band was on board with that. That was kind of more alternative and driven by guitars.
I love Paramore. I love Haley Williams. I can see why people draw that comparison with the second record. It’s probably because there are more grungy guitars and raw sound, instruments throughout. I do love both of them and I do think she is an inspiring artist.

ーWhat part of their work inspired you? And what do you think is special about them?

Heather : I would say alternative music. I think Hailey is just a talented powerful woman. I would love to have a conversation with her. You know, get inside her mind.

ーDoes Avril, Alanis and Hailey’s music feel fresh or nostalgic to you? What significance do they play in your life?

Heather : When I listen to their music I feel very nostalgic. Avail’s first three albums came out when I was quite young. It takes me back to my childhood. What I liked about Avail Levine was that she was the first tomboy that I saw in the media. That made me instantly feel understood because I was a tomboy myself and there were a lot of tomboys around.

ーIn terms of the sounds snd the songwriting, was there anything you wanted to do differently in this second record? Any new approaches?

Heather : I think it to have more instruments to create a more authentic sound overall. Previously it was much more dreamy and synth-driven on the first record. This time around, I wanted way more guitars, I wanted real sounds and instruments. You could almost strip away all the production and the fake instruments but the song would sound just as good. That was what I wanted, intended to create for this second record.

ーDid you have other new approaches?

Heather : On the first record, I wrote a lot of the songs to the music on the laptop. Whereas on the second record I wrote most of the music from my acoustic guitar. I think that can be heard through the second record.

ーWhat made you write this way?

Heather : I listen to a lot of country music. A lot of country music is driven by acoustic guitar. A lot of the songs are formulated by the songwriters sitting down and strumming the guitars. I wanted to take that approach more this time around.


ーSimilar to your music, the band’s fashion has changed from the previous release. Is there a link between the two?

Heather : I think it’s just about growing up. It's been a long time since that first record. It’s natural for people to evolve and natural for people to want to change. It’s just time and expanding on a style, embracing different fashion senses overall. Just becoming more ourselves.

ーWith the change in sounds and visuals, you have a new visual concept forming for your band. It must feel thrilling to have a new vision, similar to pop musicians.

Heather : Just finding ourselves as musicians and as people. We were so young when we did that first record. Yes, I think its important to create an identity. To create a world and a vision. I think it’s just about naturally doing that. I don’t want to force anything.

ーYour album is titled “Who Am I?”, were you able to find the answer?

Heather : No, as humans we can never fully give a set answer of “who am I”. Every day we are evolving as human beings and we might surprise ourselves with a decision that we made or change our minds on something. I think its too hard to fully answer that question. What my intention with that was, I wanted to find myself more. Not I want to find myself completely cause I think that's impossible. I just want to find and understand myself more.

ーThat's great, thank you!

Heather : We, Pale Waves love Japan. Everyone knows this. We love going to Japan, we love meeting our Japanese fans. We cannot wait to come back. See you later!


text Junnosuke Amai(TW)
edit Ryoko Kuwahara(TW / IG)












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