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Interview with Ross From Friends about “Family Portrait”

NeoL / 2018年9月13日 17時0分

Interview with Ross From Friends about “Family Portrait”














--Is this your the very first time in Japan?

“Yeah, I’ve always wanted to come to Japan for such a long time. Such a beautiful city, but it’s so hot and humid right now at the same time so I’ve been sweating.”

--Haha, you came here in the worst time. By the way, you are playing at Sonic mania on Friday night, right? Do you already have a plan of show you gonna be playing on that day?

“I think we’re just gonna go with it, we actually recently lost all of our equipments. Yeah, it was lost baggage.”


“So it’s something why we have to rebuy all of the stuff now.”

--Oh no that’s gonna be so expensive.

“It is. Then also I have to redo everything, like setting, programing stuff. I mean that can create new and crazy thing which I’ve never thought about.”

--You might get another idea from making it all over again.

“Yeah, exactly!”

--Interesting. So, for people don’t know who you are, I want you to explain what kind of musician you are. First of all, why did you start to call yourself ”Ross from friends ”?

“So, it’s basically because of the card game of “Friends” , the TV show from 90s.On all of the cards, there are character’s name, like ”Monica”, ”Joey” ,”Racheal”. And then for some reason Ross is the only person who is written” Ross from friends”, not just ”Ross”.”

--But, since ”Friends” the TV show is kind of old for your age, were your parents a big part of your music inspiration? I’ve heard that they were raver.

“Yes, that’s true. My parents definitely are big part of my inspiration of starting music. But I think the name from TV Show’s character is different from that, because when I named my project “Ross from friends” ,I was doing exactly different type of music from my parents listening to. But I love the sound I can feel nostalgia so I can say they influenced my music on that point.”




RFF「(爆笑)。最近のダンス・ミュージック系のアー写って、みんな白黒のバックにクールな表情をしているものが多いじゃない? そういうのばかりだと、なんだか面白さにかけるから、その真逆いくものにしてやろうって。思いっきりダサくした。彼女に、これでもか!ってくらい前髪切られたんだけど(笑)」





--Did something happened to you to make music have nostalgic feeling sound, or you just discover naturally?

“That’s my parents influence. I grew up listening to music my dad was listening at home, like Italo disco or classical European dance music. So I like those kind of music and also I feel nostalgia from those at the same time.”

--I also feel nostalgia from your album jacket.

“Hahaha! I really wanted something on that photos to be especially like...you know, dance music press photo always tend to be black and white, it looks very serious and handsome as well, so my photo is opposite of it. I made my photo to be ugly as much as possible, let me smile as much I could. I remember that my girlfriend cut my hair really short, haha.”

--Yeah it is really good impact on it. Because your music is also interesting in that sense, cut and pasting things. And making into new song but it also sounds nostalgic to us. Is it natural thing to you?

“That’s my choice. Sometimes I think about the sound of radio tuning when I’m making the music, like you going between the stations, or like stopping cassette tapes. It’s all old media.”

--Sometimes I noticed that I can’t really find the chorus part from your music you know, normal mountain that most music goes through.

“I guess that is the rejection of something conventional thing, same as the photo I mentioned. So everytime I realize that I making songs like normal pop song, I’m like ”no,no,no” and throw them away.”

--Interesting. Because you know ,there are lot of people in music industry trying to go popular way so that they can get up there but how you not going with that.

“Yes, I think my manager is not happy about that though, hahaha. But I’m still working on it."




RFF「もちろん、僕にとって家族は大切ではあるんだけど、これには別の思いがあるんだ。収録曲に”Pale Blue Dot”というのがあるんだけど、これは宇宙や星のことを考えていた時に、同じタイトルの写真を見つけたんだ。遠くから、青い星をとらえたものなんだけど、それがずっと心に引っかかっていて、ある時に調べたら、それが地球だったってことがわかった。さらに調べてみると、太陽など広い視点で宇宙をとらえた『ファミリー・ポートレイト』という作品にも出会って。そこで、アルバムで表現してみたい全体像が見えてきた。さらに、ブラッドリー・マニング(現在はチェルシー・エリザベス・マニング)という、アメリカ陸軍兵士で、多くの機密文書を公開し漏洩させたのち、2013年6月にスパイ活動法等に違反した罪で有罪判決を受けた人がいるんだけど、バレた時にSNSで『自分はとても孤独』という投稿をしていたことも思い出してね。写真と重ね合わせてみたら、自分の周囲には誰もいないと感じるのかもしれないけど、実はその周囲には自分のことをわかってくれている人がいる、という気持ちを描きたいなって思ったんだ」











--Very cool. Your new album “Portrait” has your music theory that free from any theory like normal pop music has. You ignored it, but you created your own theory.”

“That was exactly I wanted to do. It took two years to make this album and the first a year and half, basically I was trying to figure it out which angle was the best for me, what exactly was the theory suppose to be, and after I figured it out, it was like easy.”

--Since it’s called ”Family portrait”, and you told us about how your family had a big impact on inspiration of your music, is that the theme of your album?

“Yes, that’s the one of the reason but there is the another story why it’s called “Family portrait”. I was thinking about space and stars, and I just read up some articles about it, came across one photo which is called “Pale Blue Dot”. That was the photo of a blue star looks really far away and it stuck on my mind. One day I looked it up and turned out to be the blue star was actually the earth. After that, I found another photo which is called ”Family portrait” and then I saw the whole picture of my next album.
There is also interesting story that, you know Bradley Manning(Now her name is Chelsea Manning),who belong to US Army and convicted by court-martial of violations of the Espionage Act and other offenses, after disclosing to WikiLeaks, military and diplomatic documents, and was imprisoned. And after that she posted the photo of “Pale Blue Dot ”on twitter and she said ”I feel like being this pale blue dot. ”because she was really depressed and feeling lonely and then that is also the reason I named after it. The theme of this album is “sense of loneliness ”and family is kind of, around you.”

--So it is really deep theme.

“Yes, it was just like, I researched on that picture and found her story so everything made sense for me at the end.”

--You basically went out on journey to out of the space and write this song. I listening to the album, I think anybody can have the image of their own personal connection with your songs. I personally feel listening to your songs I feel like I’m in like inside of my mother, that image takes me to the journey to out of the space.

“Wow. I always say like it’s completely open to people’s interpretation. I have such a personal reason making this album it wouldn’t make sense to anyone else that I feel about it.”

--So by making this album, did it inspire you to create new kind of out of space?

“Yes, definitely it did. Just learned a lot from what I was working on it, compared to my old works as well. I wanted it to be step forward. I hope that next album is to be former step.”

--Since you working with “Brain feeder”, did it motivated you more to work more harder?

“Yeah. Because there are lot of musicians who have creative sense in Brain feeder, they make me to challenge myself to make something like creative, explosive as well.”

--I’m so excited about whatever you gonna make after this album, but actually I’m more excited about Friday’s show(Sonic mania), I hope it goes well.

“Oh, no! I’m so edgy as well because it’s gonna be right after Flying Lotus, I’m terrifying if that could be the best, haha.”

photography Sachiko Saito
text Takahisa Matsunaga

Ross From Friends
『Family Portrait』
Now On Sale
(Brainfeeder / Beat Records)
ボーナストラック追加収録 / 解説書封入

Ross From Friends
ヒップホップのサンプリングカルチャーから80年代ユーロビート、ハイエナジー、イタロディスコに至るさまざまな影響を受け、アンダーグラウンドの雄「Lobster Thermin」や「R&S」傘下の「Magic Wire」からリリースしたメランコリックなメロディーとロウなビートを併せ持つ絶妙なダンストラックで、フライング・ロータスのハートを射止め、「Brainfeeder」ファミリーの仲間入りを果たした24歳のイギリス人トラックメイカー。近年盛行を見せるローファイハウスの域に止まらず、先鋭的な音楽を発信し続けているレーベルを象徴するような刺激的なサウンドを生み出す期待の新鋭。












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