Interview with Starcrawler & Nobuhiko Kitamura (Hysteric Glamour)
NeoL / 2018年9月17日 18時0分
圧倒的なパフォーマンスと存在感、楽曲の鮮烈さでロックンロールの未来を拓く存在として世界を賑わせているStarcrawler。Foo FightersやElton Johnらからも支持される彼らが3月のツアーに続きフジロックフェスティバルにて来日。 Patti SmithやThe Stoogesら数々のロックレジェンドらからもあつい信頼を寄せられるHysteric Glamourのクリエイティヴ・ディレクター北村信彦と初の対面を果たした。互いを形作るアイデンティティ、現状への向き合い方などを語らってくれた。
北村「すごくいいと思う。以前ロン・アシュトン(ザ・ストゥージズのギタリスト)がザ・ストゥージズの昔のアーカーイブをみせてくれたことがあって、その中にサイケデリック・ストゥージズ時代のロゴがあったんです。Starcrawler のロゴを見た時に、それを思い出しました。ピンクのスーツやフリンジとか、ステージ衣装も完璧だけど、衣装のアイデアはどこから?」
Kitamura : “So first of all, I’d like to thank you for playing at Fujirock. Because the last couple years, at Fujirock nothing was interesting for me. It’s been by J-Pop or some electric music and then also hip-hop by Japanese musicians lately. So I didn’t even check which band was coming this year, but a couple weeks ago I saw the menu (the lineup) and then I found your band name. I was like, bam. You’re the big reason to go to Fujirock this year for me. And also I am a friend of Melissa who is a hair& make-up artist. She is maybe a friend of you mom. She emailed me, “check out this band! You’re gonna love it.” And then I looked you guys up on the internet, really amazed by your music and also your band logo.That was around April,and you just had the last show in Tokyo In March already,I missed it. So that you played at Fujirock was a big surprise to me.”
Arrow: “Yeah, I just designed the band logo on paper and then gave it to a friend of mine who made it on a computer.”
Kitamura : Kitamura : “I really like it. I remember a long time ago, he died but.. Ron Asheton, the guitarist of The Stooges he invited me to show old archives of Psychedelic Stooges logo. I thought your band logo is kind of the same taste to those, like with the handwriting and psychedelic. “
Arrow : “Thank you.”
Kitramura : “Also, I like the costumes on the stage. I saw a couple photos of you wearing pink suits. What you look like is important thing for you too, if you stand on stage.”
Arrow: “Yeah I wear either like all-white or like nude.”
Kitamura : “Yeah. One of my friends Bobby from the UK, he always wear pink or red suits, kind of like you also wear underwear then fringe. How did you get all of the ideas?”
Arrow: “They all came at different times. I put together most of my costumes, designed some of them and had them specially made more than now so, but when we first started I handmade some stuff. And then that outfit that’s all white with fringe, I found that at a vintage store. It’s like some dance costumes from this disco thing in the 70s.”
北村「曲のタイトルも最高で、Chicken Woman, Pussy Tower, Different Angels, What I WantとかTシャツに載せたらいいタイトルばかり。そんなTシャツがあったら絶対に着たいよ(笑)」
北村「Hysteric Glamourの過去のルックブックを持ってきたんだけど」
Henri「Jack Whiteが載っている! 僕の一番好きなミュージシャンはJack なんだ」
Arrow「素敵。Elvis Presleyが着てそう」
Henri 「ブランドのスタイルはもちろんだけど、背景とか道の使い方というか、そういうのもすごく良いね」
Kitamura : “And also I like the title of songs. “Chicken Woman”,” Pussy Tower”,” Different Angels”, “What I Want”. I think good for T-shirts. I would really want to wear it. “
Henri: “We should get on that, haha.”
Kitamura :” I brought some Hysteric Glamour’s books.”
Henri: “Oh! Jack White !? One of my all time favorite musicians is Jack White.”
Kitamura : “This we shot in Coney Island, and this we shot in New Orleans.”
Arrow: “It’s beautiful, it looks like something Elvis would wear.”
Henri: “Yeah. I love this style. The shots too. Like the backgrounds, you get to see the city for what it is, it’s all like the rocks and the trash.”
北村「ありがとう。楽曲の話に戻ると、ファーストシングルの“Ants ”の歌詞は非常に素晴らしかったね」
北村「セルフタイトルのファーストアルバムは聴いていていろんなアイデアやテイストを感じた。何曲かはまるでドラッグ的だし、友達のバンドThe Kills に似ている曲もあったかな」
Henri「僕たちも気に入ってるし、The Kills は大好きなアーティストだからそう言ってもらえて嬉しいな。何ヶ月か前に Foo Fightersとライヴをした時に彼らに会えて、昔からファンだったから生で観ることができて興奮した! 僕たちのセットも観てくれて、ビデオも撮って、貴重な体験だったよ」
Kitamura : “And I also want to say that the first single Ants – amazing lyrics. So what did you feel after you finished your first single? It was really successful, wasn’t it?”
Tim : “It was exciting, because it was the first thing released. We didn't know what was going to happen, we did it in basically this backroom but when we recorded it with Steven Shane McDonald who was from the band called Redd Kross that I really liked beforehand. Getting to record with him and keep playing bass on it, it was a really fun experience. That was even before we had our first show that we recorded it. So it really helped us learn. The fact that people love that is great.”
Kitamura : "The first album is amazing. I feel so many kind of ideas and tastes, since I learned rock n’ roll music. Some songs I felt like were a little bit.. like drugs. And also some songs which were like, one of my friend’s bands, The Kills."
Henri: “Oh yeah, I love The Kills.”
Kitamura : “They told “You should check out this band.”to me. They’re one of my best friends since like 15 years ago. “
Henri: “I just met them a couple of months ago when we played a show with Foo Fighters and I’ve been a fan of them for a long time. And it was cool to get to watch them. They watched our whole set, took videos, that was a super cool experience.”
Kitramura : “Also I like that your songs are just really short.Is there a concept? You’re playing music, short and fast?”
Henri: “Yeah, short and fast! Haha.”
Kitamura“That’s a nice concept. It sounds like a new style.What was the most memorable live performance that you’ve given?”
Austin: “Nagoya. I think for all of us. It was the most crazy, electric performance. I don’t even know how to describe it. It was fantastic. The crowd was not only at our energy level, but surpassed ours. It was almost like the show was theirs.”
Arrow: “Yeah they were crazy. Super fun.”
Henri: “It felt like they truly appreciated the type of community. It had the same energy as we did on stage, so it was really fun.”
北村「どんなオーディエンス? 若者が多かった?」
Kitamura : “So how was the audience? Are there many young kids?”
Tim: “It was a mixed crowd, which was cool because it was all age groups. It didn’t feel like it was just one type of crowd. And I feel like all over wherever we go, it does have the span. There’s kids that like us, but there’s also.. you know, we played a show in Norwich and there were people in their 80s that came to the show, with canes! “
Kitamura : “The relationship between the band and audience is important.”
Henri: “Yeah, You play off each other.”
Kitamura : “Yeah, you play loud then the audience is going to be loud.”
Henri: “Then at the end there’s just an explosion.”
Henri「Tom Pettyが亡くなった時はカバーをやったけど」
Arrow「最近はよく90年代のThe Lemonheadsを聴いてる。あと、The Runawaysも」
Henri「Flat Duo JetsやElvis Presley。ギターをもっと勉強したくてScotty Mooreとかも聴くかな」
Austin「Kool Keith、Fela Kuti、Nina Simoneとか。ロックを聴いて育ったけど、ヒップホップも馴染みがあるんだ」
Tim「僕はソウルをまた聴くようになった。Four TopsやTammi Terrell、Marvin Gayeとかかな」
Kitarmura : “Ususally what kind of music are you listening to now? What’s your favorite band?”
Arrow: “I’ve been listening to a lot of The Lemonheads in the 90s. Uh, The Runaways.”
Henri: “I’ve been listening to Flat Duo Jets, Elvis out of the early records stuff, just trying to learn more of guitar, Scotty Moore.”
Austin : “I listen to a little bit of hip-hop and stuff like that. Kool Keith, Fela Kuti, Nina Simone. I grew up on rock music but I also fit in hip-hop as well.”
Tim : “I’ve been revisiting like, soul. I’ve been listening to Four Tops and Tammi Terrell, Marvin Gaye.”
Kitramura : “When you have gigs do you play all original songs? No covers?””
Austin: “Mhm, no we don’t do those. We kind of tossed and turned about it at first because we can never decide on a song that we all universally like to cover, which I think is actually kind of good because maybe we would’ve gotten this cycle of just doing covers on songs we like. So I think it was actually kind of a blessing that we couldn’t decide on anything so we just decided, let’s write our own music.”
Henri : “When Tom Petty died we covered his song.”
北村「いいね。ベースとドラムはリズム重視で、良いバランス。周りの友達はみんなロックを聴いている? それともヒップホップ系?」
Austin「僕の周りではヒップホップが主流かな。当時のティーンエイジャーにはすごく面白く感じられたんだと思う。僕もヒップホップを聴くけど、80年代後半や90年代のヒップホップなんだ。A Tribe Called QuestやDe La Soulなんかは、ソウルが少し入っていてモダンなヒップホップよりは深いものに感じる。もしかしたらその頃のモダンなヒップホップの勢いに反抗するような感じで、古いヒップホップやロックンロールを好きになったのかも。今のティーンエイジャーはほとんどがヒップホップ好きだよね」
Kitamura : "Oh that’s good. Nice balance, bass and drums. That’s amazing. So do all your friends listen to rock music or more like hip-hop?"
Austin: “Well, at least for me, it felt like hip-hop was mainly taking over, it was what’s interesting to teenagers at the time. And there’s a lot of hip-hop I listen to, but it’s more late 80s or 90s hip-hop, like A Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul, stuff that I think personally has a bit more soul and is deeper than modern day hip-hop. But at the same time, that’s kind of what made me rebel against the modern day hip-hop of like my teenage years, made me go into older hip-hop and even rock n’ roll. But I feel like it’s pretty common for teenagers now in high school to just all listen to trap, only listen to hip-hop, only listen to X, Y and Z. Or pop music in general.”
Kitamura : “For example, when I was a teenager to my 20s, that was early 80s. But the whole early 80s music was going down. I didn’t like dance music. So then I reverted back to the 60s and 70s. So do you do that too, like right now?”
Austin: “Yeah, it’s been like that too. Because I would still listen to, or try to listen to modern music so I don’t become just like a nostalgia theme or just rejecting whatever is in front of me. That’s actually why I found out cool bands from other countries and stuff like that. I feel like that’s true though, if I don’t like what’s in front of me that’s happening now, I’ll just revert back. I’ll go back to the 60s psych music or 70s for kind of like prog metal.”
Henri 「ノブはどうやってロックと出会ったの?」
北村「13歳の時にテレビでKISS を観て、『なにこれ!』となって。初めて買ったレコードもKISSだった。それからロックにハマって、今はデザイナーをやっているけど、ロックを聴いていなかったらファッションデザイナーになってなかったと思う」
Henri : What was your encounter with rock music?
Kitamura : When I was 13 years old and I was watching T.V, I saw KISS first time it was shocked. So the first record I bought was KISS. Then rock music was the most important thing for me. I’m a designer, but if I hadn’t been listening to rock n’ roll music, I wouldn’t have done fashion.
Henri: “Yeah. What was it like growing up in Japan, listening to all these American bands? What did it make you think, of America as a kid or as a young adult?”
Kitamura : I grew up with US and UK rock. I wasn’t interested in German,French and Japanese rock when I was young. The first time I went to America it was 1986, I was really shocked so many different characters people and I saw the gay parade. Two years ago, I saw the gay parade again but it’s like a commercial for H&M or big phone companies. It’s changed. Everything is becoming really conservative. I like America in 60s and 70s. I started to listening to rock music when I was 13 years old. Of cause there were no internet, even in Japan at that that time. I got the information from radio, and a couple music magazines.”
Henri: “One of the things that’s so interesting is now everything is handed to you. As a five-year-old, you get to go look up YouTube and see The Stooges in the 70s play. I really admire people who didn’t have internet and who actually had to look for it. And you have to search for it. I can’t imagine that it wasn’t that likely available.”
Kitamura : “Smartphones, SNS, technology is really important right now but I feel kind of afraid, It’s same as drugs.”
Henri : “I also feel like when you get to watch all the live videos of the bands on YouTube, it takes out the mystery of what it’s really going to be like when I see them. Because you’re saying you had to read magazines, hear things on the radio and you read things on the magazines, you hear that they’re playing, you get excited to go see them. But now there’s YouTube and there’s good things about that too – people can see things and say they love it. But before that you’d have to go and then you’d tell people about it. It’s different. Times have changed.”
Kitamura : “ Japanese rock culture started 1967. Before that, there was nothing. In Japan,. Do you know any Japanese Bands?”
Henri: “The’s. I love The’s. They had this T-mobile commercial when I was a kid, and it was “Whohoo, Who-hoo-hoo!” And I listened to that over and over and I’d look it up, and really liked it.”
Austin : “I like the band Nisennenmondai. Because I found out about them randomly just through some YouTube link, and I was like, ‘this show looks really cool.’ It’s just like three girls with crazy lives. I really liked that.”
Arrow : “There’s actually a band that I found because I just liked the cover of it, it was a record. They’re a sick psych band called The Mops. A Japanese band. I like them. You gotta love them.”
Henri「たぶん歓声で聴こえないからThe Beatlesではないよね(笑)」
Tim「僕はHarry Nilssonを観たい。ライヴはやったことないけど、BBCのセッションを一回やってるからそこにどうにか行けるならあの歌声を聴きたい。それかThe BandかThe Last Waltzが観れたら最高」
Arrow「1974年のKISS ! それか同じ頃のBlack SabbathかOzzy Osbourneね」
Austin「The Stoogesの歴史に残る1968年か69年のライヴ。それかBlack Sabbathのファースト・アルバムが出た頃のライヴとか。今となっては偉大なバンドの駆け出しの頃を観れたら、どう進化していったのかがわかって面白そう」
Arrow「Led Zeppelinもいいね。1969年のライヴとか」
Henri「サンタモニカでXとThe Crampsが一緒に出ているところを観たい。そこでよくショーをやっていたんだ。もしThe RamonesがCBGB’sで出ていたら観たいな。The Crampsのライヴは観たことある?」
Kitamura : “Which band’s gig do you want to see from the past? Not YouTube, In real life. For Example 1962 Beatles, or 1976 Sex Pistols. If you could see the same gig now.”
Henri: “Probably not the Beatles because you couldn’t hear them.”
Arrow : “But it’d be such a cool experience! I want to be one of those girls screaming.”
Tim : “I’d try to see Harry Nilsson. Even though he didn’t really play any live shows, ever. I know he did like a BBC session, so if I could somehow be there. He has one of the most beautiful voices. Or The Band I’d love to see The Band. Or The Last Waltz, just everyone on The Last Waltz. That’d be awesome.”
Arrow : “I’d like to see KISS in 1974 or something. Or Sabbath, probably around the same year. Or Ozzy 1979.”
Austin: “I feel like it’d be the history of The Stooges in 1968 or 1969 or Black Sabbath right when their first album came out just to see. It would be really cool to see the first steps of a great band, because you know what they’ve become.”
Arrow: “Zeppelin would be fun too. I think Zeppelin in 1969 would be really good.”
Austin: “Yeah the first show. No one knows what that’s gonna be.”
Henri : “I’d love to go see X and The Cramps show play together in Santa Monica Civic Center. They used to do a lot of shows there. I would love to see The Ramones when they were playing at CBGB’s.Have you ever seen The Cramps play?”
Kitramura : “A really long time ago. In New York. They’re amazing.”
Arrow : “I’d rather go to Max’s Kansas City than CBGB’s. Max’s Kansas City looks so fun.”
Kitamura : So how do you feel about current situation of America… Trump being president?
Arrow: “Terrible.”
Henri: “Especially with all the people being… I mean, we’re gone most of the time, so when we go back we find all these stories like putting these little kids in cages because they’re separating them from their parents and deporting them.”
Austin : “It almost feels like every time you leave, you miss out on like 30 news stories. It’s all getting worse.”
Kitramura : Do you have anything… maybe a song for them?
Henri : “I don't know, because what I’ve always felt about music is someplace where you can escape that. Escape that feeling and think of all the good feelings. I feel like that’s what a lot of people did as teenagers too. When you write about girls and stuff and think about all the other things. But when you look back, there’s a bunch of terrible stuff going on all around me. So it’d be really hard for me to write about and capture all the feelings because those are so real and there’s so many different. You’d want to do it justice, it’s just hard to capture that in a song.”
Arrow : “Yeah, it’s so like… Once you get political, people expect you to be that way and they get mad if you’re not. You know, you have to really tip toe what you say and do because something that you really think would be politically correct wouldn’t be to some people. It’s just too much to have to worry about.”
Tim : “I think we already had to worry about some of that stuff.”
Arrow : “I want all people to be able to listen to us, no matter what- where you’re from, what you think politically. I mean it’s like an escape.”
Austin: “And I feel like we don’t have to say that for them to know that it’s true.”
Henri : “That’s just like all age groups in one place, you could have all different ethnicities, all different religious beliefs, if you all enjoy music and want to have a good time. I feel like that’s what it’s about.”
Kitramura :“Japan too, Japanese Prime Minister Abe is cannot do anything.”
Tim : “We’re in similar positions.”
Austin : “So much corruption in the government. It gets worse and worse.”
Kitamura : Maybe when the country is not doing well in terms of politics, there’s more creative power goes against it. Do you feel that it has that sort of creative energy?
Henri : “I think it’s one of those things where in times of great political difference, like it probably happened in the 80s with Ronald Reagan, and that’s when punk rock came and America was so aggressive. Like anti-war culture. I feel like in those times, people are up to create really powerful art. So time will only tell what can come out of this era. I think it’s positive because it makes everyone come together to create something.”
Tim : “There’s different ways to rebel. I mean there’s the obvious, folk songs like Joan Baez and Bob Dylan and writing about.. but there’s also people that just stood for something, in the way they made music. Like soul singers, trying to play at these clubs but they can’t play because racism and stuff. Or having a message in the song that’s just as powerful as literally writing out the message in the song. I think that’s why The Beatles were a super powerful band when they came out, cause no one was used to that. And Elvis, cause no one was used to someone being that different. Soul singers, Ray Charles, there’s a lot of invasion that comes with people trying to make things better in times of horrible things going on.”
Kitamura : “Yeah, in the 60s and 70s the young people fought for the government. I think you don’t have to fight with them, but find a new way to get the message out for the new generation.”
Austin : “Yeah, just standing for something I think is important.”
Kitamura : “Anyways, you opened the new doors now. Old rock n’ roll fans support you. You guys are hope.”
Austin : “That’s really nice.”
Kitamura : “Recently hip-hop, j-pop is getting bigger and rock n’ roll music is slowing down a bit. But you’re coming and opened the door.”
Austin: “Hopefully more people will come too.”
Henri: “Hopefully it stays open ! ”
photography Takayuki Okada
text & edit Ryoko Kuwahara
Now On Sale
(Rough Trade/Beat Ink)
北村信彦(Hysteric Glamour)
1962年東京生まれ。東京モード学園を卒業し、21歳でHYSTERIC GLAMOURをスタート。ロックとファッションの融合をいち早く見出したコレクションを提案。ソニック・ユースやプライマル・スクリーム、パティ・スミス、コートニー・ラブをはじめとして数多なアーティストたちと親交を深める。コンテンポラリーアートにも精通し、森山大道、荒木経惟をはじめとする写真作家の作品集を自主制作・出版も手がけている。
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