『プーと大人になった僕』 ユアン・マクレガー来日インタビュー / Interview with EWAN McGREGOR about “Christopher Robin”
NeoL / 2018年9月15日 12時0分
あの「くまのプーさん」が実写化されると聞いた時、実は少し不安だった。子どもの頃に読んだA.A. ミルンの原作や、そこに描かれたおなじみのイラストを思い浮かべて、映像にするなんて不可能だと思ったからだ。でも実際に観てみたら、スクリーンの中にいるのは幼い頃に出会ったプーと仲間たちそのもの。心温まる懐かしさで、最後は終わってしまうのが惜しいくらいだった。9月14日に全国で公開される映画『プーと大人になった僕』は、くまのプーさんと大人になった親友クリストファー・ロビンの奇跡の再会から始まる物語。日々の生活に追われる大人にこそ観てほしい、大人になって忘れかけていた「大切なモノ」を思い出させてくれる作品だ。ここでは公開前に初来日を果たした主演のユアン・マクレガーに、本作に込めた想いや撮影の裏話を語ってもらった。
——Welcome to Japan! I heard this is your first time here. How is Japan treating you?
Ewan McGregor: “Thank you. We are having such a good time. It’s been so nice, people are so friendly.”
——In this movie, we learn about “Pooh-ism” and his philosophy on life. Having acted Christopher Robin, what have you learned about your views and perspectives on life and work?
Ewan: “It’s a good question but I’m never able to sort of give a good answer to it. It’s not so neat. You play this part in this story and you learn these things… it doesn’t work like that really. But I think it’s no coincidence that I wanted to play this role now, and there is something about my experience playing Christopher Robin that has led me to… like I haven’t worked this year, I slowed down. I took much more time to do the things I like to do that I felt like I was squeezing in between movies or pieces of work. I’ve sort of let myself have some time off. That’s not because I played this part. But at the same time, that’s no coincidence probably that the two things happened at the same time, you know?”
——I see.
Ewan “So I think yes, “Pooh-ism” is a quite nice term, but I think it’s very much about his simple philosophies are like those of a child. They are really powerful. They are pretty much about being in a moment and being aware of only where you are. Evelyn (Christopher Robin’s wife) says it to me in the film. She says “your life is happening, right in front of your eyes.” It’s like he is not present in his own life. I didn’t feel like that but I heard the advice from him somehow, I suppose.”
——I think this movie touches many people’s heart especially today where we are swamped by so much information and everybody is so busy. I believe everyone has something like Pooh or a place like 100-acre wood in your heart that gives you back the connection to who you are. Do you have something or some place like that?
Ewan: I think it’s true. I think we are losing our connections with the people. Winnie the Pooh is all about spending time with his friends, and his life is about waking up, eating honey, and going to one of his friends’ house and eating more honey [laughs.] He is just with the people he knows and loves. And they love Christopher Robin. But nowadays, our connectivity is through our phones more and more. We spend so much time thinking that we are connecting with all these people, but sort of that expense of what happening maybe in our immediate circle. I don’t know you could argue that you’ve got more friends using social media than you do otherwise. I don’t know. I stopped doing social media last year, and I don’t miss it for a second.
——Is there a place where you sort of connect back to your childhood and reminisce something?
Ewan: I went back home to Scotland recently and was showing someone around my old places I used to go, and it was interesting. And I went to this wood called the Knock. I used to spend a lot of time as a child in that wood playing with my friends, so I went back to that. There was a part of the Knock where we had a den. Me and my friend Eric, we built like a den, it was like a hunter’s shelter made out of sticks and ferns. You couldn’t see it from the road, it was beautiful construction and we were very happy with it. But I went back to where that had been and I remember the area being huge, but it was actually a very small area in the wood. My memory of it was larger than it is in the real life. But yeah, when I go back to Scotland, my parents still live in where I grew up so I get to reminisce there.
——I grew up reading the books and watching the movies, but I was too young to realize that Pooh is almost like a little philosopher. Not only for Pooh, but there are so many great lines in this film, and I almost cried when Christopher Robin said “I’m not who I used to be any more.”
Ewan: I played those moments, so I understood them very well from the inside. There is a great sadness there in him that his experience through his life has robbed him of the Christopher Robin he was as a child. I thought that line was lovely. I love that scene where he apologizes to Pooh and he says he’s sorry… because I recognize that with something with my dog. There is something about the relationship between Christopher Robin and Pooh that absolutely reminds me of my relationship with my dog. Even some scenes in the film where I feel like that they look like each other, which is very odd because they don’t look anything like each other, but anyways [laughs.] Yeah, I like that moment, too. I like all the scenes with him and Winnie the Pooh. They are really nice. And the scenes with him and his daughter are very sweet, too.
——Just seeing them together sitting on that log makes me teary.
“I know it’s a lovely image, isn’t it? It was nice to do and so funny. It was very moving to do that scene. And I watched the film having of course acted with just this teddy bear here. I had somebody playing Pooh on set, somebody was doing the lines and I was looking at the bear. So my memory of it is sort of what we see in the movie but of course he wasn’t there. Sometimes, he really wasn’t there. I was sitting like this with nothing. But it’s funny the film is very close to how I imagined it to be when I played it.”
——I heard that Winnie the Pooh on set was designed to be huggable, is that true?
“That bear, right there! It was that very bear. So you should give him a hug [laughs.] He was so beautifully made by I don’t know if she was a tailor or a dressmaker, but she made all of those creatures. She made Pooh so you can see he’s worn and he’s got age on his paws and tummy, his fur is bit thin here… He’s got his age. They scan that bear, so it’s actually that bear really, even though they created him on computer.”
——How was it like meeting Pooh?
Ewan: “Yes, I remember I met him unfinished first. I met him and he was just a white form with no hair, and just had the shape. But I remember meeting him the first time for the wardrobe fitting where they put you in front of the camera in your wardrobe to test it. That was the first time [laughs.]”
ユアン「ついこの間、1冊目の本を末っ子に読んであげたよ。7歳の娘、アヌークのためにね。彼女は他のことをしたがっていたのだけど、『この本を読もうよ』と誘って。遊びたがっていたから最初は嫌がっていたけど、僕が読み始めたら少しずつ興味を持ち出して、最終的には50ページも読み聞かせていた。娘は完全に夢中になっていたよ。とても美しい文章だよね。僕自身は子どもの頃にそこまで夢中だった記憶がないのだけれど、話は全部知っているんだ。両親が読んだくれたA.A. ミルンの原作とディズニーのアニメーションを通して、話はとてもよく知っている。それにイギリスでは、プーは誰もが子どもの頃から親しんでいるキャラクターなんだ。ティーポットとか傘とか、プーのグッズはたくさん売られているよ。どんな家にも何かしらプーが描いてあるものがあるはず(笑)」
——Have you re-read the book since you played this part?
Ewan: I’ve read the first book recently to my little one. I have a little 7 year-old, Anouk, and I read some of it to her. She wanted to do some other thing, and I was like “no, let’s read this book.” She didn’t want to because she wanted to do stuff, but as I started reading it, she came in slowly, and by the time we finished reading it we read 50 pages. She was just totally engaged. It’s so beautifully written. I don’t remember it being a huge part of my life when I was a kid, but I know all the stories. So between my parents reading me A.A. Milne’s books and Disney’s cartoons, I know all the stories very well. And in Great Britain, Pooh is just one of those characters you’d known all your life. And he’s on lots of things like teapots or umbrellas. In any house you go into, there will be something with Pooh on it [laughs.]
——Did you have something with Pooh on it?
Ewan: Did I have something with Pooh on it? [Laughs] I don’t remember. I remember going to Disney World in Florida when I was 9. That was the first time being in America. Up to that point, I think as a family we’d gone to Italy and France and I think that was it. It was 40 years ago, so international travel wasn’t as quite readily available as it is now maybe. So it was a huge deal we went there, and I came back with some teddy bears and one of them was definitely Pooh for sure.
——How do you think you would remember this experience when you look back in the future?
“I had my first interaction with a dad and a daughter only a few days ago in a supermarket in Los Angeles. I was shopping with my little girl and I could see them recognize me. I was just doing my shopping, and he brought his daughter up to me. And he said, “We just watched the ‘Christopher Robin’ movie. She couldn’t believe it was you!” I said hello to her and said, “Maybe you don’t recognize me with all the hair in my face [laughs.]” Then I realized that these films last forever. Disney’s movies last in children’s mind forever. I remember all of the Disney films I watched when I was a kid. And I only saw them once because we didn’t have DVDs or anything, we just watched them in the cinema and that was it. But I remember “Bambi” and “Dumbo” and “Bedknobs and Broomsticks.” I remember those films really well and how important they are as a child. So I think while I’m in one now, for children, that will last, will live on. I have a little bit with… Well, I have a lot with “Star Wars” films [laughs.] I’m already present in a lot of little minds. Maybe we’ll do another one, do you think? [To his publicist] do I get to play him again?”
——That would be so nice!
“I’d love it! If I could do a ‘Christopher Robin’ film every 2, 3 years for the rest of my life. [Laughs] Make that happen please!”
interview & text Nao Machida
監督:マーク・フォスター(『チョコレート』『ネバーランド』) 出演:ユアン・マクレガー、ヘイリー・アトウェル 他
公式サイト http://disney.jp/Pooh-Boku
©2018 Disney Enterprises, Inc.All rights reserved.
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