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Physical Issue : Interview with Ren about Skatebording

NeoL / 2018年9月19日 10時0分

Physical Issue : Interview with Ren about Skatebording



As a young and aspiring model, Ren also is a skater who sees skating as a decent hobby of his daily life. He has been skating since high school and is familiar with his own moves. We have the honor to ask him about how he understands and perceives the connection between himself and skating here.

[Videos are taken by GoPro, which is an action camera that is built to focus on the connected sports genre. Is portable and convenient for recording fast moving footages, and easy to take with accessories and straps.]





——First of all, please introduce yourself.

Ren: Hi my name is Ren and I am model. I started skateboarding when I was in middle school. My friends were doing it and so I tagged along.

——What would you consider as your inspiration when it comes to skateboarding?

Ren: I have always been inspired by the kids back in high school when we skated together. Also the movie “KIDS” was big to me.




Ren「初めてのボードはどこで買ったか覚えていないなあ。最近は“Skate Mafia”を愛用しています。ウェス・クレマーという僕の大好きなスケーターがいて、“Skate Mafia”は彼のブランドです」



——How did you learn to practice your moves at the beginning?

Ren: It was never serious with skateboarding so I didn’t really feel like I was “practicing”. I would watch videos of how the pros skate and just try to grasp what they were doing. And I feel like there is no rules in skating so I am just doing whatever I want.

——Would you tell us about the skateboards you are using?

Ren: I can’t remember where I bought my first skateboard. These days I usually ride “Skate Mafia” boards. There’s a skater called Wes Kremer on that brand and he’s one of my favorites.

——Where do you usually skate?

Ren: I usually skate at Shin-Yokohama skatepark.





——Is there any experience with getting injured from skating? Would you tell us one interesting episode?

Ren: I was skating down a hill when I was 15 and I fell really bad. I cut my forehead and eyebrows. I was on the way home from school so my friends bought a lot of bandages and I got on the train really bloody.

——What would you consider your relationship with skateboarding?

Ren: Skateboarding to me is just a hobby. When I’m bored or feel like it, I would go chill and skate with a friend. It’s nothing that deep. I’m usually just riding a skateboard with friends. During high school I was pretty bored so I would rather skate. So it became a way to separate myself from people and it allowed me to just do my own thing. I still feel the same way about “doing my own thing” in all aspects of life.

--いつもどんなことを考えながら滑っていますか? 思考と体の動きはどんな繋がりを感じていますか。




——How do you see the relationship between your body and mind when you skate? How do you see the connection?

Ren: One thing I can say is that when I skate I imagine how to do the trick by visually simulating it in my head. Then repeating the same trick over and over. It helps my body remember how to move for that certain trick. It is quite like muscle memory.

——What do you think about street skate and all kinds of culture related to it? Especially in Japan.

Ren: People look at skateboarding as a rebellious thing. I guess it is but I would describe as an “outsider” thing. In japan it’s hard to street skate. So I would rather go to a skatepark. Essentially skateboarding is about street skating but that culture in Japan is not that big for a normal skateboarder. Skating is a part of street culture for sure. It definitely started out as a street culture where things like hip hop, skating, BMX and graffiti were all apart of one culture. These days I think skateboarding and those other things expanded outside of that culture, so it’s different now. I also feel like almost all cultures from the past are diminishing from their original forms, and that is both a good and a bad thing. Seeing a “no-skateboarding” sign happens to me almost all the time. If skateboarding was banned, which already feels like it in Japan, skaters still won’t care.





——Besides skateboarding, is there any other sports that you do?

Ren: I don’t do sports anymore now.I used to skate every weekend when I was in high school. But now I don’t skate as much. Maybe I’ll cruise forever but not skate like I used to. That’s because I have other priorities now.

——If given the chance, where would you like to go and skate?

Ren: I would like to skate in Hawaii.

Photography & Videography & text Baihe Sun













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