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“これは孤独な少年についての物語だ”『荒野にて』 アンドリュー・ヘイ監督インタビュー/Interview with Andrew Haigh about ”Leon On Pete”

NeoL / 2019年4月12日 16時20分

“これは孤独な少年についての物語だ”『荒野にて』 アンドリュー・ヘイ監督インタビュー/Interview with Andrew Haigh about ”Leon On Pete”






——You are from England, but this film is set in the US and based on the novel by an American writer, Willy Vlautin. What did you like about the story that made you make a movie?

Andrew Haigh: “When I first found the book, well the book was given to me and I read it. I just really fell in love with the book. I'd wanted to tell a story set in America for a while. I found America very fascinating place, both good and bad, and this story seems to be two things at the same time. It was telling a story about this kid in a very compassionate tender way that was about his story and about his need for stability and care, and to be loved essentially and looked after. But at the same time, he was also telling a wider story about how the American dream can fail some of its people. So it was both very personal and intimate but also was saying something political as well at the same time.”

——When I heard that this is a movie about a boy and a horse, I imagined something very sentimental. But there is a great balance of reality and kindness in this film. What were you particular about when writing the script?

AH: “Yeah, that's always the challenge, and it was probably even more of the challenge I realized afterwards. When you realize that you tell someone it's about a horse and a boy, suddenly they are imagining this story. And it isn't that story [laughs.] It's been quite hard actually, going through the process of talking about the film and having the film out in the world to make people realize that it is not that story, because it isn't. And what I loved about the book is that it was very very unsentimental in its understanding of that relationship on that story. The horse plays a very important role for Charlie, but he is always just a horse. He might stand for something else for Charlie, he does have something else for Charlie, but he is just a horse. You know, he is not a human being [laughs.] The horse doesn't really understand Charlie, even. So it was about trying to get that across, and not have it become sentimental at any point. And never shy away from the fact that there is a brutal reality that Charlie is living in and keep it true to that.”




ヘイ監督「そこはけっこう気に入っているところなんだ。ダメな大人たちは、本質的には人生がめちゃくちゃになってしまった、大きなどうしようもない子どもといった感じだよね(笑)。彼らは大人になれていないんだ。観ていてムカつくんだけど、彼らこそがアメリカのああいう側面を象徴しているように思える。みんなを助けているつもりで、正しいことをしているつもりなのだろうけど、もちろんそうではないバージョンのアメリカだ。彼らは自分たちより下の人たちを苦しめている。劇中の少女は明らかに良い子だけれど、あの状況から抜け出す術がない。どこにも行けないんだよ。どこへ行けるというんだ? たとえば僕は典型的な中流階級で、自分自身を助ける手段がある。でも彼女はオレゴン州の砂漠地帯の小さなコミュニティーで暮らしていて、他にどこにも行く場所がないんだ。彼女が良い人生を送る機会すら与えられていないという事実は、僕からしてみればとても悲しくて悲劇的なことなんだ」





——What I loved about is that Charlie is in such a tragic situation, yet he never loses self-respect and is still honest and good to people.

AH: “It was really important to me that he always feels like he is a good person. Especially even when situations got really tough, and even when he does things that you don't want him to do, he is still a good person. He's doing them for reasons that he thinks is right, even if we can see that they are not necessarily right. I suppose it's about having that compassion. I do think we live in the world where we feel like the people around Charlie are just awful people with no kindness and compassion, and of course they are not. I mean even people like Del the trainer and his dad, they may not be great, he may not be the best dad, but he loves his son. Even if he can't look after him in the way that he should, he loves his son. And it was really important to me that throughout the script and throughout the filming, there were these moments when you realize that all of these people are also kind.”

——It was really interesting how Charlie and the other girl are such good kids, and on the other hand, we see these grown-ups who behave like kids.

AH: “I sort of love that. The adults that are bad essentially are all like big stupid children who are so messed up in their own lives [laughs] and they just haven't grown up. You hate them, but it sort of felt like they were that side of America, the version of America that thinks it's helping everybody, that thinks it's doing the right thing, and of course isn't. It's making those people below them suffer. And that girl is obviously a really good kid that has no way out of that situation. She can't go anywhere. Where is she going to go? And I think for other people, for like me, I'm pretty middle class and I have ways to help myself. She lives in a small community in the deserts of Oregon, and she has nowhere to go. And you know, that to me is so sad and so tragic that she is not allowed to be given the opportunity that she could live a good life.”

——Charley Plummer who played Charlie was fantastic. How old was he when he played this role?

AH: “When we auditioned him he was 16, and he was 17 when we shot it. He was lovely. Of all the people that auditioned, he was clearly the best.”

——You could tell right away?

AH: “Yeah, I could tell right away. His first audition was on the tape, and there was something very special. I'm always drawn to quite sensitive performance. I'm just drawn to that. There is a world in which this story could have been about someone that is a lot tougher, but I love his sensitivity, that to me was really interesting. He wrote me a letter before we cast him just explaining how he saw the character, how he saw the world of the story, how he saw what it was that Charlie was looking for. He was so intelligent and so smart. And we were like, yeah, we have got to give it to Charley. So there was no question that he wouldn't play him.”









——Charlie is in such a tough situation that a lot of us have never experienced before, but I think people can still relate to his loneliness.

AH: “I think it was always about trying to get across that loneliness and that central desire not to be lonely. So really that's what the story is, it's about the boy who is lonely. He goes to the racetrack and has a job because he doesn't want to be lonely. Then he is with the horse, and the horse is threatened to be killed. And he wants to steal that horse because he doesn't want that horse to be lonely and die.”

——Are there any scenes that you have special feelings for in that sense?

AH: “I love some of the scenes with him in the desert. I love some of the scenes with him in the racetrack. I love watching and trying to understand the character in a sort of peaceful way, you know, just like observe them. And sometimes those scenes when the characters are by themselves, they are the best time to observe the reality of that characters, because they are not being watched by anybody, they are allowing their characters to just come out. It's challenging because it's just him by himself or it's him and the horse. That was about trying to find a way you feel like you are understanding this person when he is by himself.”

——Why did you decide to cast Steve Buscemi as Del the trainer who hires Charlie at the racetrack?

AH: “I've always loved him. I think he is a great character actor. He can come into a story and make it become something really interesting. He loved the script. We sent him the script, and he really felt he understood that character and liked that while he is not particularly a nice person, he is also still a decent person underneath. And it wasn't a cliched version of this angry horse trainer.”

——Chloe Sevigny was great too. It's very different from the roles she's played in the past, but she totally fit in that world.

AH: “I remember speaking to Chloe about it, and one of her frustrations as an actress is that she sees herself as a character actress who can do all kinds of things, but people don't see her as that. They see her as a fashion person that is her other world. But that is the performance as well that she does, and it's amazing. She is fantastic at that. But she can also certainly play a working class trainer. She’s a very very talented actress. I would love to find something that she is the lead in. There are amazing roles out there that she is fantastic for, if she was given more of those opportunities.”










ヘイ監督「大きなテレビの仕事が控えているんだ。『北氷洋: The North Water』という本を原作に、1850年代に北極海を目指して出航した捕鯨船を舞台した、BBCで放送予定のドラマだ。これまでに手がけてきた作品とは大きく異なるよ。より大規模で歴史的な作品なのだけど、奇妙なことに、自分で書いた脚本を改めて読んでみると、捕鯨船にいるのがチャーリーでもおかしくないなと思う(笑)。そこには確実に類似性があって、一人の人間が難しい状況の中で、自分が求めているものを理解しようとする姿を描いているんだ。規模は大きくても、その大きな環境や世界観の中で、常に親密な性格劇を探している。それが何であれ、僕は自分が伝えたいことを理解したいから、映画を作りたいんだろうな」

――This story is very realistic but the visual is so beautiful and dreamy almost. I thought it may be because you are not from America that you could see the beauty of it. How did you prepare to grasp the feeling of the setting?

AH: “I spent three months traveling around before I started writing the script. And I went on a journey that Charlie goes on in the book, and went on the whole journey that he goes on, just to sort of experience that. And I love landscape, how it can make you feel, and how it can change your frame of mind, and how you can sometimes ignore it, and then how sometimes you can let it overwhelm you. I can be in an amazing landscape sometimes, and it can make me cry. And it's not even necessarily that it's incredibly beautiful, it has the power. And I wanted that to come across in the film somehow, that it’s almost like it becomes disorientating, it does become like a dream.”

――What would you want Japanese audiences to take home with when they leave the theater?

AH: “I want people to take the different things from the film, but I think in the end, it is about the need and importance of compassion and kindness. All of us need that, and I think that's what Charlie is searching for in the film. I hope when you leave the theater, you feel like you understand we have this need for that. I'm really interested about what Japanese audiences would take from it. Because I think there is a theme or an idea in Japanese cinema that sort of make sense to me as a viewer. Obviously I like a lot of Japanese films, there is a tenderness and an understanding of the need for family, the need for support, and the need for the love of that.”

――What were some of the Japanese films or who are some of the Japanese directors that you like?

AH: “I love Ozu for a long time. My favorite film of last year is 'Shoplifters.' I love 'Shoplifters,' it's a beautiful film. I'd seen it twice now. The rhythm of that film and the way it unfolds, and the way it deals with people that are often demonized, and the story is told so compassionately for those people, that's why I love that film so much. I feel like not that it's same as 'Lean On Pete,' but I'd like to think there is some similar DNA between these two.”

――I read that you used to edit blockbuster films such as "Gladiator" and "Black Hawk Down." And now you are making more intimate films. Was it a conscious decision that you didn't go to that direction?

AH: “When I was working there I was always an assistant editor. I was never a main editor. So they are films I worked on and I enjoyed working on. I like going to see those big films, but they are just not what speaks to me when I'm trying to make films. There is a desire that I'm trying to communicate something in my films, and that is something quite small and intimate and hard to articulate. So I think the films that I want to make are always probably going to exist within that smaller world. I mean, who knows? Maybe I'll direct a superhero film one day, i don't know [laughs.]”

――What's next for you?

AH: “I have a big TV show. It's a limited series for BBC and is based on the book called 'The North Water' and it's set on the 1850’s whaling ship heading to the Arctic. So it's quite different from what I've done before. It's strange, because it's bigger and historical, but when I look at the script now that I've written, it could be Charlie on a whaling ship [laughs.] I feel like there is definitely a similarity, it’s very much about one person trying to understand what it is they want from the world within very difficult circumstances. It's bigger in scale but I'm still always looking for what is the character driven intimate story within that bigger environment and that bigger world. That's why I suppose I want to make films is to try and understand whatever that is I'm trying to articulate.”

text Nao Machida
edit Ryoko Kuwahara

2019年4月12日(金) ヒューマントラストシネマ渋谷他にて全国順次公開

© The Bureau Film Company Limited, Channel Four Television Corporation and The British Film Institute 2017


監督:アンドリュー・ヘイ『さざなみ』 出演:チャーリー・プラマー 『ゲティ家の身代金』、スティーヴ・ブシェミ、クロエ・セヴィニー、トラヴィス・フィメル
配給:ギャガ  原題:LEAN ON PETE/2017/イギリス/カラー/ビスタ/5.1chデジタル/122分/字幕翻訳












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