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Can’t live without Books:3 Independent Bookstores in The Netherlands/ 書店特集:オランダのインディペンデント書店3選

NeoL / 2020年2月27日 17時0分

Can’t live without Books:3 Independent Bookstores in The Netherlands/ 書店特集:オランダのインディペンデント書店3選

アートが盛んなオランダにはそれぞれに専門の強みを持った個性的な書店が揃う。今回は詩集専門の書店、フェミニズムの書店、グラフィックアートの書店の3軒をピックアップ。実験的とも思えるプロジェクトが生業として成功しているこれらの書店に、学ぶところは多い。(→ in English)

Perdu Bookstore, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

ペルデューは世界中の詩集を扱う本屋だけではない。同じ名前の下に出版社とイベントホールを経営するアムスの宝物。オランダで詩集しか取り扱ってない本屋はここしかなく、働いている人はみんな詩歌なので、本棚に並ぶ一つ一つの詩集について豊富な知識を持っている。イベントホールでは様々な活動をされている。出版された本のリリースからグループで詩集を読み上げる会など一つのアートフォームとして詩の可能性を広げてきた場所だ。ベルデューでは世界が知るべき話題について訴える詩を数々と出版してきた。最近出版されたのはアナ・カワラの『In Het hart van het hart van de schrijn』。彼女の本は史書からまるで存在しなかったかのように名前が消された、歴史上で実際は活躍してきた女性達の話を伝える詩集。出版された本はオンラインでも購入できるので興味のある方には是非おすすめだ。

Kloveniersburgwal 86, 1012 CZ Amsterdam The Netherlands
Opening hours:Tues - Fri 13:00 - 18:00, Sat 13:00 - 17:00
Tel:+31 20 422 05 42

Publication Studio Rotterdam, Rotterdam (The Netherlands)

グラフィックデザインが有名な国オランダには出版社もかなり多い。その一つが2015年に設立してから、アートやクィア関連の本を数々出版してきた Publication Studio Rotterdam。 本のカバーデザインから製本までのプロセスを全てスタジオのオーナーが手で行うので、かなりDIYの要素が溢れている。Publication Studioは世界各国に支店を持っていて、アメリカで出版された本をロッテルダムでプリントと製本ができるため郵送費がかからずかなり環境にもいいビジネスモデルだ。本が出来上がる制作過程を見たい方にはぜひ訪れてほしい。

Publication Studio Rotterdam
Zaagmolenstraat 129A, 3036 HH Rotterdam The Netherlands
Tel:+31 62 736 78 21

Savannah Bay Bookstore, Utrecht (The Netherlands)


Savannah Bay
Telingstraat 13, 3512 GV Utrecht The Netherlands
Tel:+31 30 231 44 10
Opening Times: 10:00 - 18:00
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/boekwinkelsavannahbay/

text Ayana Waki

Perdu Bookstore, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

Perdu is a bookstore, a publication house, and a space for literary events. They believe in the power of writing as an art form of expression; poetry being the form of expression they treasure most. The volunteers who work for Perdu are all poets themselves; each holding a unique story about the poems they have written and a wealth of knowledge on an era of literature. They host events in a space located in the back of the bookstore, encouraging the power of progressive literature, a form of poetry that places itself out of the norm, building relationships between poetry and other artistic practices. As a publishing house, Perdu works with small independent poets from all around the world. One of the more recent books they have published is ‘In het hart van het hart van de schrijn’ by author Ana Kawala, which reveals the story and voices of women who had accomplished great things but were erased from history as if they had never existed.

Kloveniersburgwal 86, 1012 CZ Amsterdam The Netherlands
Opening hours:Tues - Fri 13:00 - 18:00, Sat 13:00 - 17:00
Tel:+31 20 422 05 42

Publication Studio Rotterdam, Rotterdam (The Netherlands)

Once located in the Nieuwe Instituut the musuem for design, architecture and digital culture, the Publication Studio Rotterdam (PSR) is now housed in Rotterdam North, concentrating on on-demand prints, publishing books on art and design, poetry and queer topics. Their worldwide network enables them to maintain a sustainable business model; as a book published in their San Francisco branch would be able to be made and binded in their office in Rotterdam, cutting shipping costs and emissions. What’s even more fascinating is that the studio is where one can see how a book they want to purchase is made from start to finish. Most of their books are stamped and binded within a swift ten minutes, each made by hand by the owner. Hand crafted, every book on their shelves are handled with care. A must visit for anyone who wants to get a taste of the DIY spirit.

Publication Studio Rotterdam
Zaagmolenstraat 129A, 3036 HH Rotterdam The Netherlands
Tel:+31 62 736 78 21

Savannah Bay Bookstore, Utrecht (The Netherlands)

35 years ago, Savannah Bay bookstore opened its door up in a small cellar underneath the canals of Utrecht as the first feminist bookstore in the city. The bookstore has now moved location to a more quant and quiet area, expanding their genre selection to gender studies as well as queer and LGBTQ+ topics. A quote by Ali Smith hangs on the walls of the small space “There was once, I said a story that was told by way of other stories. ”; representing what the bookstore has stood for since its establishment. Not only a must visit for book lovers to rummage through the special selection of rare finds but also a meeting point for all to embrace their culture, race, gender and feel comfortable in their own skin.

Savannah Bay
Telingstraat 13, 3512 GV Utrecht The Netherlands
Tel:+31 30 231 44 10
Opening Times: 10:00 - 18:00












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