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  2. 新着ニュース
  3. 国際
  4. 国際総合


ニューズウィーク日本版 / 2023年12月15日 18時15分

『タクティカル・アーバニズム・ガイド 市民が考える都市デザインの戦術』の原書と邦訳から、タクティカル・アーバニズムの特徴を示している箇所を紹介したい。

●The sidewalks, still full of life, would be noticeably less congested. The noise from the street would no longer seem as deafening. And to your astonishment, you would discover hundreds of people smiling, chatting, and taking photographs while they sat in foldable lawn chairs placed in the middle of the street. With space to look up and around to admire the lights you would realize that the new and somewhat makeshift public space is where, just days before, cars and trucks battered all senses. Even if you didn't know the term, you would have just discovered the power and potential of Tactical Urbanism.





