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Self Isolation Issue :「みんな新しいコンテンツを常に探しているので、他が家で何もしないで寛いでいる中、クリエイティブになって、自身の作品を世に出せばいい」Interview with Photographer&Filmmaker Joshua Wilks/Time is precious- Joshua Wilks

NeoL / 2020年4月14日 17時0分

Self Isolation Issue :「みんな新しいコンテンツを常に探しているので、他が家で何もしないで寛いでいる中、クリエイティブになって、自身の作品を世に出せばいい」Interview with Photographer&Filmmaker Joshua Wilks/Time is precious- Joshua Wilks

[caption id="attachment_96540" align="aligncenter" width="620"] NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Joshua Wilks | Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]

フィジカルには距離を置かねばならない現状に際し、アイデアや情報のシェアでポジティヴに自宅での時間に向き合うための「Self Isolation」特集。アーティスト/クリエイターによるいまの状況への向き合い方やオンラインで楽しめる情報などを随時アップデートしていく。
ファッションフォトグラフィーの概念を超え、自身が思い描くドラマティックなストーリーやコンセプトを元に、アバンギャルドなスタイルを確立させたロンドンを拠点とするフォトグラファー兼フィルムメーカーのJoshua Wilks。一つのスタイルには捉われず、ユーモアも交えながら斬新な表現方法が官能的な空間を醸し出し、人々をその世界観に引き込ませている。ロックダウンで生活が以前とは異なるものの、それを機会として捉え、与えられた時間を無駄にはせず、新たなクリエーションへと繋げている。(→ in English)





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NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Joshua Wilks | Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]





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NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Joshua Wilks | Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]



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NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Joshua Wilks | Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]

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NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Joshua Wilks | Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]





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NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Joshua Wilks | Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]

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NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Joshua Wilks | Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]


Josh「国民が専門家の言葉よりメディアの情報を信じ込み、パニックになる傾向がある現在の特殊な状況の中で、政府も的確な政策をとるのは困難だと思います。例えば、新型コロナウィルス感染症のワクチンは、すでに重症急性呼吸器症候群(SARS: severe acute respiratory syndrome)や中東呼吸器症候群(MERS)のパンデミックが発生した際、何年も前に開発することができたかもしれません。ですが、メディアがそれを取り上げなくなった瞬間、民衆もそのことに対し興味を持たなくなり、研究もされないまま、新たな病気が発生した場合、一から研究を始めなくてはなりません。今回のように世界的なパンデミックは未来でも発生し得ることを頭に入れ、世界全体が発生した際、対応できるように準備をしなくてはならないのです」

Joshua Wilks
Instagram: @joshwilkz

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NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Joshua Wilks | Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]

ーーHow has the spread of COVID-19 effect your lifestyle and creative activities?

Josh : My life is fuelled by coffee but in London at the moment all the coffee shops are shut because of the lockdown.

ーーDo you have anything you realized and want to keep in mind from now on going through this situation ?

Josh : Time is precious.

[caption id="attachment_96562" align="aligncenter" width="620"]

NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Joshua Wilks | Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]

ーーHow are you preparing yourself mentally and physically towards the lockdown?

Josh : I make coffee at home now, but it's not the same.

ーーIn light of your own activities, what kind of indoor creation is possible?

Josh : As a photographer you can shoot at home with people you live with. DIY style is cool and looks more authentic than work shot in a studio. For instance I live with a makeup artist so we are doing a Corona inspired series of face painted portraits.

[caption id="attachment_96558" align="aligncenter" width="620"]

NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Joshua Wilks | Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]

ーーIf you have any recommendations or ideas on how to use online applications efficiently or any measures that one can take themselves, please share them with us.

Josh : There are so many social media and online platforms that people should just do self-initiated work and share it on those. Everyone is always needing content so if you can be creative whilst most people are sitting at home doing nothing you can take the initiative and get your work out there.

[caption id="attachment_96561" align="aligncenter" width="620"]

NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Joshua Wilks | Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_96563" align="aligncenter" width="620"]

NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Joshua Wilks | Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]

ーーDo you have anything you want to challenge yourself on?

Josh : Yes, to not waste time by doing nothing.

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NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Joshua Wilks | Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_96565" align="aligncenter" width="620"]

NeoL Magazine JP | Photo: Joshua Wilks | Text: Mayu Uchida | Edit: Ryoko Kuwahara[/caption]

ーーAfter the coronavirus converges and the situation gets better, what would you like to do?

Josh : Get coffee when the shops reopen.

ーーDo you agree with the measures taken by the government? If not, what other measures would you recommend taking?

Josh : It is difficult to govern in such a unique situation when people tend to panic because of stories they read in the media rather than listening to experts.

For instance, a global anti-virus vaccination could have been developed years ago when we suffered previous pandemics such as SARS and MERS. However, once the media lose interest it makes the public lose interest and the research is dropped which means we have to start from the beginning with every new disease. We should now learn that new pandemics will happen in the future and the world must be better prepared for them.

Joshua Wilks
Instagram: @joshwilkz












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