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Interview with Tune-Yards about “I can feel you creep into my private life”

NeoL / 2018年9月28日 12時0分

Interview with Tune-Yards about “I can feel you creep into my private life”








—So, with your latest album, people are wondering about how those solo projects turned into something else, like now that you are dual. Also you are using a quite different approach in your music which has shown a possibility for the future (which I agree), would you explain more about the process?

Merrill : I think it is true that Tune-Yards is something that we’d like to evolve, so we don’t wanna do the same thing over and over again. So making it clear that we are dual is part of saying that the group is changing as time goes on. And also the music is changing as we are changing, as people and also as musicians. So this time I took a lot of classes, like voice lessons, and now I am able to do more with my voice. I think we are both trying to push ourselves to write better songs, or just different songs. It feels important to just keep changing.

——What made you decide that you wanted to take voices lessons?

Merrill:Nate (laugh)

Nate:I was actually taking those classical voice lessons. I started about five years ago or so. Merrill is obviously an amazing singer, but I decided to start finding a teacher. After three or four months studying with the teacher, I told Merrill like that “you should really try it out”. Because I found an amazing teacher and so I tried to convince her to do this even though she didn’t want to. But after doing it a few times, you’d realize that it is really helpful and you would know how to use your voice more properly.

Merrill: For me, I didn’t want to take that because I thought that the teacher was going to tell me that I was singing it “wrong” or “incorrectly” and she might want to change my voice. But Nate was right, our teacher, Deborah Bennett didn’t want to change our voices, she just helped relax it and opened up it more. I realized that it would be really hard, even for now, to unlearn some of the bad habits that I have, but it was really worth it. And now I can sing for a longer time.














——Have you ever taken a voice lesson before? You really do have a unique voice.

Merrill: Well, when I was much younger, I used to sing in a choir with my mom. When I was 12 or 13. And then I joined another choir when I was 16 or 17. And in college I did acapella as well. It’s like glee but more like pop singing, as a group. So I have been singing my whole life and I have done songs that are more like American or European folk as well. I always try to try out different music with my voice.

——It is interesting that you are physically training your voice but somehow your songs in your new album are mostly digitally arranged, some people called it a “digital choir”. What is your thought on that as it is two different singing areas?

Merrill: I think, well, Tune-Yards have always been this organic and is about digital or like a woman in a machine, or a women versus a machine, I guess. It is that kind of ideas of human and machines in acting somehow. That is what made us. We are just trying to balance those two things. In 2018, I think there is a lot more discussions in the future about how we interact with machines. Here in Japan, maybe more than how it is in the U.S. To think about what kind of relationship we want to have with machines. So, for me sometimes I like for the voice to become like it is within a machine, and sometimes it is breaking out from the human body. It is like we are pushing and pulling into two directions of organic and digitalized styles. That is a tension that I think is interesting.

——It is interesting to hear how you are exploring and combining the relationship between human and the machine. Before that, people who are from the area of hip-hop are mixing the album and he is actually using a digital choir, that probably contributed to the result. Are you conscious of it when you go out with those people?

Nate: One thing in hip-hop is the way how it is mixed and mastered. It is basically focused on the voice and the bass, including the electric bass that I play, but also the bass drum. And a lot of the other elements are more in the background, whereas sometimes in the rock music the vocals are mixed and there are more of the guitar and synthesizers. But usually the electric bass and the vocals are more quite. And so I think for Tune-Yards, as I am playing the bass, we decided to choose something that would highlight the vocal and the bass. Because that is what we are.

——So the last time you worked with some artist with big names, like Frank Ocean and Malay, was it stimulating for you?

Nate: Yes, I think we didn’t expect that one who mixed the album would say yes. And he was just very humble, very grateful to work with us, and down to earth.

Merrill: And we worked in New York in the summer, it was hot in the hallway. We were sweating and in other words, we all wanted to be there. Otherwise, we would have left. To me it was very amazing when you work with someone who has this experience, like Frank Ocean or MIA whom I am a big fan of. There is this excitement about the new things that we could learn. Every time we work with someone we would say “oh how are you making the bass drum so poppy”, or, you know, Malay taught us a lot about how to have sounds really quiet but up high, and put depth into the whole song. I think every time we just learn so much as we work with people with great experience.








メリル「たしかに白人である自分達がブラック・ミュージックを取り入れることによる文化的社会的な反響ってあると思うし、自分達の無知さゆえに知らないうちに誰かを不快にさせたり傷つけてることもあるかもしれない。そこは自分達でも自覚してるところでもあるの。今の時代は対話を始めようにも、正義を求められるような時代でしょう(笑)? 正しさというか、デリカシーというか……それが今はちょっと行き過ぎてるような気がして。こんな時代だからこそ、いい意味でデリカシーに欠けてるくらいのほうがいいんじゃないかって。自分が白人のミュージシャンであるからってことで、自分から保守的に走るのもどうかと思うし。自分は白人だからってことで、そうした批判が起こることを予想した上で、自分が本来やりたい表現にフタをするのも違うような気がするから」

——So it is very obvious that there are quite a lot of upbeat songs included in the album. On the other hand, the concerns of social issues are also raised in the music, like race, gender, politics and environment, things that we can not get away with. What do you think about it as musicians?

Merrill: I mean you can not really get away with talking about those things.

——You have always been dealing with that kind of issues but now you are like stepping further into it.

Merrill:: Yea. I think it is difficult when people think of it like “oh, it is an album about race, gender and environment” and they will be like “I don’t wanna listen to it” (laugh) So it has been difficult to answer these questions while being interviewed. One, because that we don’t wanna scare people. Because we want it to be a joyful album to which people can dance to. But also I don’t wanna tell people about what to think, I don’t wanna explain. I don’t think that I know anything more than anyone else. So, for me, it is important for me to not do that. Especially the race issues in our country, specifically in Oakland. We are so influenced by black, hip-hop, and soul music, and to be a white musician but not explicitly looking at our own privileged culture with white supremacy in the states. It just feels impossible to continue without addressing that.

——It is interesting how you are saying that as a white musician. Especially in America where it is a delicate issue to talk about the foreign influence from other cultures.

Merrill: Yes. Exactly. I think from the first Tune-Yards’ album, there was a song called Jamaican, but also basically all the songs (laugh), I think I was wondering what it is to be a white musician who is influenced by music all over Africa from the beginning. And again, hip-hop and jazz. I was thinking about what my role is. And also, we cannot make other kind of music, we were making the music that we wanted to make. I don’t believe that artists should censor themselves, but we do need to understand the impact. And sometimes the impact, culturally speaking, can be harmful and very ignorant. At this time, it is just hard to have a conversation, it is either when you are right or you are wrong. So delicate is the word. And I think maybe we need to be less delicate. And less defensive, as a white musician, to be able to hear a critique, and to be able to take a moment and really get quiet and think about these things.






メリル「それと、そもそもアーティストって、お互いに影響を受け合ってるものだと思うのね。日本でもヒップホップに影響を受けて、実際にヒップホップをやってるミュージシャンだったり、あるいはロック・ミュージシャンだってたくさんいるでしょう? ただ歴史を振り返ったときに、白人のミュージシャンが黒人のカルチャーを取り入れて、黒人よりもお金儲けする構造が続いていたことはたしかであって。そもそもアートはお互いインスピレーションを受け合ったりコピーし合ったりするものだけど、そこに白人が作ったお金儲けのための権力構造が働いてることも事実であり、だからこそ白人のアーティストは尚さらそうした問題に対して自覚的になる必要があると思うの」

——Have you ever had that kind of critique which is based on the culture exploration, and all that sort of stuff?

Merrill: Yea. I think I probably accuse myself more than others do. The word culture appropriation gets used a lot. Well, I don’t read reviews, so I don’t know. But I think it has always been a self-critique more than criticism form the outside. Which is why I made this album. Why aren’t people thinking about this more critically, I wonder. And a friend said to me that, maybe it is because that, you know, the New York Times, NPR, or Pitchfork, and publications that are very positive in terms of what Tune-Yards does. But a friend of mine said that they are mostly ran by white people. So how can they be critical? In other words, I think that at the time we are in right now, as a white musician, you just cannot hear a criticism because it is not in the mainstream world.

——That reminds me of what you were saying about Paul Simon and the Graceland. He is being one of the musicians who fights with the criticism and being able to create his own things out of it.

Merrill: What I regret about Graceland, (because every indie band has been influenced by it lol), is that it raised an opportunity for Paul Simon to have this discussion really about what culture appropriation means and what could actually be harmful about what he has done, which was he got into the anti movement. He was asked to stop but he did it anyway. But I think what happened was he got really defensive, and that is something white musicians would always do. Saying that “I didn’t do anything wrong” and “art can be any possible thing”. But what if a real conversation could have been done. So that is what I think about as a thing in the musical history that white musicians should look at and learn from, and try to do differently.
And I think that all artists borrow from each other. You know. In Tokyo, there are Japanese artists who say that “I love hip-hop, or rock, or jazz”. The difference is how we look at the history specifically of white musicians taking black art and make it for white people to make more money. So even when art sometimes involves borrowing from each other, it becomes more of a power issue with the white supremacy problem behind it.








メリル「ハハハハハ、今となっては笑い話だけど(笑)、デヴィッドの『アメリカン・ユートピア』って新作が出たじゃない? そのときトーマス・バートレットと一緒にニューヨークのスタジオに入ってたんだけど、ちょうどデヴィッドも同じスタジオで作業してて。それで挨拶に行ったら『ブライアン・イーノが大量にドラムトラックを送ってきたんだけど、意見を聞かせてくれない?』ってことを言うから、私も調子に乗って『スネアドラムをもっと大きくしたほうがいいんじゃない?』とか偉そうにコメントしたら、それがデヴィッドのニュー・アルバムだったっていう(笑)。もう恥ずかしいったらありゃしない(笑)」







——Do you wish that your album to become something that would help open up the situation?

Merrill: I hope so.

——Paul Simon is surely one of the legendary musicians, are you going to support David Byrne in September?What do you think about him?

Merrill: Well, I did work with contemporary color which was a project David Byrne did with the Color Guard team. It was this project that he was doing and he invited me to compose for that. So we met each other. He had been a Tune-Yards fan.

——Do you have any interesting stories you want to share with us about your experience with him?

Merrill: Well now it is interesting because he is having this American Utopia album, and I was working in New York in the same studio where David was working with Pat. And I walked in and he said “Can I play you something?” And he played the stuff and he said “Grand? has been sending me all the drum tracks and I am trying to figure this out”. What he played became his new album that I didn’t know of. So at the time I remember I had said something like “this drum should be louder” because I felt like I needed to give out some advice. I feel embarrassed.

——We have mentioned several legendary musicians. Now is there any other musicians that you would consider as from your generation and share the same perspectives?

Merrill: This value system is interesting. Well. We have a good friend from Sylvan Esso. And we have toured with them before, they are just really great human beings (laugh). Also, Tao from the ? (38’16’’) I produced their last album. And we were good friends and we share the same idea of being fierce as female performers.

Nate: They are also good friends of mine. Even though we don’t make the same kind of music, we have very similar approach.

——The one you are touring with seems to be very conscious about the political issues going on and all that. Quite versatile, in a sense. What do you think?

Merrill: I have been a fan of her for a long time. Way back then. But still I really enjoy how she is using her voice to sometimes be ugly as a means to defy the stereotypes of women’s voice being beautiful and lyrical. I think she has a really good depth of the meanings to her sounds.

photography Sachiko Saito
text Junnosuke Amai
edit Ryoko Kuwahara

『I can feel you creep into my private life』
(4AD/Beat Records)
Now On Sale












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