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Berlin Issue:Interview with BLESS

NeoL / 2018年11月5日 18時0分

Berlin Issue:Interview with BLESS

BLESS Debut, 1995

Desiree Heiss(デジレー・ハイス)とInes Kaag(イネス・カーグ)によるデザインチーム、BLESS。1993年パリのファッションスクール在学中に出会った2人は、1997年ベルリンでBLESSを立ち上げた。ざっくりと編まれた靴下のようなブーツ、ウッドパールをつなぎ合わせた電源コードなど遊び心とひらめきに満ちたジャンルレスなクリエイションは、結成当時から全くブレていない。そんなBLESSの自由でありつつ本質を見失わない姿勢は、いまを生きるクリエイターたちにとって最高のロールモデルなのだ。今年で21周年ーいま、そして未来を見つめる彼女たちの頭の中はまだまだやりたいことでいっぱいだった。

This design duo "Bless" was established by Desiree Heiss and Ines Kaag. In 1993,They've got to know each other at fashion college in Paris and started their own design team in 1997.Bootsocks are footwear made with medium weight yarn that fit like socks, power cables named Cable Jewellery are made by wooden pearlsーーtheir playful spirits and fresh ideas are used effectively in a broad range of fields.That style based on freedom and creative mind is a role model nowadays.It is their 21th anniversary this year, they still have many ideas want to try in the future.



—Could you tell us about your childhood before you have met each other? Does it affect anything for BLESS?

BLESS : We come from typical southern german middle class backgrounds. Both of our parents were running small businesses : Ines father was a furrier, running his own boutique while desirees father is producing hydraulic cylinders, specialized on made-to-measure development and research.Both mothers worked in the businesses, too, handling the administrative side. Seeing the parents running their structures helped BLESS a great deal to get started.Ines mom was handling initially even our accounting. We both have one sibling and can relate to the same typical childhood in the 70´s - teenage in the 80`s gowing-up in the former BRD ( federal republic of germany ) feeling.This kind of similar background is certainly responsible for the solid base of shared values we have. the spirit in which we grew up was about beeing active, working hard and it was a good example for us that if you have a vision you can make a living from it.



ーーYou work together, but you haven't lived in the same city and there is always a small distance between Berlin and Paris. How does it affect your work?

BLESS : It has certainly a very liberating side, allowing both of us to be and to act to a maximum how we are without feeling oppressed by the other strong partner.The negative side effects are of course that sometimes it would be so much better in seeing each other more often also in a private context as well as the unpleasant massive amount of side communication ( mainly emails ) to keep the other side informed.

© Bert Houbrechts

© Bert Houbrechts

ーーベルリンにあるブランド直営店BLESS home Berlinは、マネージャーが実際に住み込む家プロジェクト。とてもBLESSらしい取り組みですが、始めたきっかけとこれからのヴィジョンを教えてください。

BLESS「1997年初頭から、年に2回のコレクションや従来のファッション業界のシステムに疑問を抱いていたの。プレコレクションやクルーズ、メンズを加えると今では6~8回でしょ?理論的にいうと、最新という観点から常に過去のものを廃止してるよね。それで、わたしたちはベーシック、あるいはクラシックと見なして、ガーメント言語のしっかりとしたベースを生み出した。本当に着れなくなるまで着用できる高品質かつ長持ちする素材にフォーカスしたもの。その意味では、わたしたちがやっていることは全くファッションではないけど、カッティング、素材、フィット感とスタイルに注目したワードローブを提案してる。でもそれって本当にトレンドをフォローしてないの。わたしたちの主な顧客は、ギャラリスト、アーティスト、コレクター、キュレーター、建築家、インテリアデザイナー、その他のデザイナーのようにアート関連で働いている人が多いわ。このアイデアから、BLESSのコレクションは決してショップでセール販売されない。だからショップのコンテンツは常にたくさんの新旧コレクションで構成されてる。よく顧客から古いアイテムについて聞かれるので、ベルリン、パリともに一部アーカイヴも揃えているわ。BLESS home Berlinは、特にBLESSアイテムを一日中見ていたいという思いから生まれたの。ホストである住み込みストアマネージャーのホスピタリティを合わせることで、今までのショップ体験よりはるかにいい方法でBLESSを感じることができる。だからロサンゼルスのmamed、スペイン・ビルバオのPersuade、東京のAYAのようなショップでも取り扱っているの。単にディスプレイするだけじゃなくて、作品とともに生きている感じね」

ーーBLESS home Berlin is a house project where the store manager lives in the shop. Why did you start it and what’s your vision in the future?

LESS : Since the very beginning in 1997 we questioned the usual operational set-up of fashion, producing back then twice a year a collection ( nowadays it´s rather 6-8 even, counting pre-collection, cruise, men, etc… )That in theory run obsolete always the previous one in terms of up-to-dateness.Over the time we developed a solid base of garmentlanguage that we consider as basic or classic and focus on high quality long-lasting materials that allow to wear the pieces for years, until they literally fall apart. In that sense it´s not at all fashion what we are doing, but more proposing a wardrobe to those that pay attention on cut, material, fit and style, but that are not really into following trends.
Our main clientele are gallerists, artists, collectors, curators, etc. as well as many people who work in art-related realms such as architects, interior decorators and other designers.
Following that idea, our collection also never goes on sale in the shops and therefore the shop content is always composed of many collections, old and new.
often clients also keep asking us about older items, therefore both shops, also the paris one, are run partially also as archives.
The BLESShome berlin came to live specifically, because we wanted to see our items applied in all day life, which is why they were designed for. paired with the hospitality of the host that lives within the space, they come to live in a much better way than they ever could in a shop. thats also why shops, such as mamed in los angeles, persuade in bilbao or aya in tokyo sell BLESS so well: they co-live with the pieces and don´t only display them.

BLESS N° 54 Remembrance Subito, 2015



ーーBLESS is more artistic and different from consuming clothes as fashion industry. How do you keep this distance?

BLESS : One of our primary goals was to live within and in reaction of our times and therefore it felt for us even 20 years ago already unmodern to use models to show a collection, as we could not relate to the beauty role model that was transmitted like this. Instead we insisted of using „real“ people, which whatever bodysize, such as all of our friends, because the clothes we do should look good on normal people. We still like the idea that our „models“ are aging with us and that naturally we would involve the poeple who are working with us, surrounding us and that at one point the children of our models can already get included.
Another issue was the trendchasing aspect in fashion that we couldn´t relate to, as we had always the feeling that it simply must feel right personally, so we basically don´t care much of what is going on fashionwise and are rather surprised if sometimes by chance what we do is matching with the general stream.
In a few words: the distance is kept naturally though disinformation: we actually don´t care much about fashion, but are instead interested in clothing and daily life compagnions such as useful accessories and objects.
At the moment we work on a „workwear“ project for the ICA in london and to develop a clothesline that will create a community feeling within their basecrew is something that we are interested since quite a long time already.

BLESS N° 40 Whatwasitagain, 2010





ーーNowadays the trend fashion is from social media, youth and street, but we feel you’re different from them. 

BLESS : Since we are primarily our best clients we continue to do what we need. of course needs are changing with time and age and like this we think that the company will simply grow mature together with us and our clients. there is always young people who can also relate to this, as they feel very much attracted by the immense freedom we have and we constantly take in order to be able to do what we do regardless economical or social pressure. In the end this made-to-measure profession we created is the most interesting element in the work of BLESS.

ーーWhat do you think about it? Please let us know your view of this distance and balance.

BLESS : Everyone needs to do what they have to do and feel comfortable with. personally we consume rarely social media as we will always prefer the real, analog moment.

BLESS N° 00 Furwig, 1996







ーーWhat is your impressive or favorite item since BLESS N°00? Also please let us know the reason.

BLESS : Always the newest as our current interest is focused on it. 

ーーDo you have any hobby or habit since you started BLESS?

BLESS : We started and practiced for many years aikido together. also we played recently again an old, very mean memory game where all black&white symbols almost look the same.When you start you think you will never ever be able to solve it but then, by miracle, it always goes quite fast once the first couple is found.

ーーWhat is the most joyful moment in your day?

BLESS : Coming at home, dining with the children, bringing them to bed and falling asleep with them. 

BLESS at Mathew Gallery, NYC, 2018




BLESS「今年9月から2年間、アムステルダムのサンドバーグ研究所で”challenging jewellery”という新しいマスターコースが始まるの。ジュエリーの再定義、現代的な目的への疑問、凝縮された感情と価値のある運送としてのポテンシャルについて学生たちと取り組むんだけど、とても楽しみ。あと、テヘランであるグループショーに参加するためにイランへも行く予定。キュレーションはベルリン拠点の現代アーティスト、スザンネ・ビュルナーで、テーマは”模倣”なの」

ーーWhich new field would you like to challenge and create?

BLESS : Collaborating with silcon valley based companies to collaborate in creating the future together, proposing more human needs based aspects to cover, rather than developing products that very unnecessarily speed-up even more our lives.
For bless and it’s structure there are still many different aspects in our everyday life that are even too much or not enough, such as music, religion and movement and we will most probably attack one or the other aspect when the time is ripe.

ーーAny exciting news or information about ongoing projects?

BLESS : In september we will start a new 2 years master course called „challenging jewellery“ at the sandberg institute in amsterdam and we are very excited to work with the sutdents on a re-definition of jewellery, questioning it´s contemporary purpose, potenitals as condensed emotional and real value transporters.
Furthermore we will travel to iran, where bless is taking part in a group show in teheran, the theme is „mimicry“, curated by susanne bürner. 

BLESS N° 56 Worker’s Delight & BLESS N° 57 Daycation Presentiation, 2016

BLESS N° 04 Bags, 1998

BLESS N° 22 Perpetual Home Motion Machines, 2004

BLSS http://bless-service.de

text Yukiko Yamane












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