1. トップ
  2. 新着ニュース
  3. 国際
  4. 国際総合


ニューズウィーク日本版 / 2016年8月25日 17時40分

●The premise of [this book] is that anyone can do something to help people help themselves. However modest the effort, it makes a difference to someone.

●People living on a few dollars a day don't have a reliable cash flow. Some days there may be a bit more, but on other days much less..... That people survive under such difficult circumstances is a testament to human resilience and skill.

●Another genre I avoided was disaster photography documenting suffering, starving mothers and children in lines awaiting food and humanitarian relief. These are heartbreaking, and important for conveying information the world needs to know, but they miss the narrative of women's capabilities, strength, and resilience. That is what I have strived to communicate in [this book].




