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  4. 国際総合


ニューズウィーク日本版 / 2017年3月23日 8時0分

This attacker, who was armed with a knife, then ran towards Parliament where he was confronted by the police officers who keep us - and our democratic institutions--safe.

Tragically, one officer was killed. The terrorist was also shot dead.

The United Kingdom's threat level has been set at severe for some time and this will not change. Acting Deputy Commissioner Rowley will give a further operational update later this evening.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all who have been affected--to the victims themselves, and their family and friends who waved their loved ones off, but will not now be welcoming them home.

For those of us who were in Parliament at the time of this attack, these events provide a particular reminder of the exceptional bravery of our police and security services who risk their lives to keep us safe.

Once again today, these exceptional men and women ran towards the danger even as they encouraged others to move the other way.

On behalf of the whole country, I want to pay tribute to them--and to all our emergency services--for the work they have been doing to reassure the public and bring security back to the streets of our Capital City.




