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「みどりのものさし」によりグラングリーン大阪の環境価値を包括的かつ視覚的に評価・可視化 自然の力を取り込んだ都市開発を推進し、環境課題に貢献する

Digital PR Platform / 2024年7月17日 14時0分

※1:CO2排出原単位出典:国土交通省HP  https://www.mlit.go.jp/sogoseisaku/environment/sosei_environment_tk_000007.html
※2:建築設備設計基準 令和3年版(https://www.gov-book.or.jp/book/detail.php?product_id=366563
※3:Jie, Yin; Nastaran, Arfaei; Piers, MacNaughton. et al. Effects of Biophilic Interventions in Office on Stress Reaction and Cognitive Function: A Randomized Crossover Study in Virtual Reality. Indoor Air. 2019
※4:Jie, Yin; Shihao, Zhu; Piers, MacNaughton. et al. Physiological and Cognitive Performance of Exposure to Biophilic Indoor Environment. Building and Environment. 2018, Vol.132
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※6:森林総合研究所(2017) https://www.ffpri.affrc.go.jp/research/saizensen/2017/20170309-03.html
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※7:Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Canada. 2021
※9:Chalmin-Pui, Laurianne Suyin; Roe, Jenny; Griffiths, Alistair. et al. “It made me feel brighter in myself”- The health and well-being impacts of a residential front garden horticultural intervention. Landscape and Urban Planning. 2021, Vol.205




