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ニューズウィーク日本版 / 2023年9月23日 18時0分

In that regard, they've been pushing for reform of multilateral institutions, like the UN Security Council, the WTO, for greater representation for African countries and the African Union. They've been advancing not only their own foreign policy interests but also those of the continent, you see that particularly in the G7. That was particularly true during the pandemic, with the joint proposal with India to The WTO, for that TRIPS Intellectual property waiver to manufacture vaccines, as well as getting the first pharma company on the continent in 2021 to create local vaccine manufacturing capability, also mRNA transfer hubs in Cape Town.

South Africa's bilateral relations with India and Japan have been pretty good in recent years, gradually, sort of including partnerships on higher education, Science, Technology to get beyond the idea of we're just extractive sort of industry from South Africa. India and Japan, are South Africa's third and fourth largest trade partners after China, The US, and Germany. That's a pretty big deal. I think the interesting thing about South Africa, because they are, by far the most advanced and diversified economy on the continent, though not the largest (Nigeria) they're continuing to look at wanting to advance partnerships with rich nations, but at the same time, have hegemonic influence over things inside Africa.




