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ニューズウィーク日本版 / 2023年9月23日 18時0分

Of the major powers, Japan is the one exception where Turkey has enjoyed very strong relations, and they want to maintain them: some historic ties, good diplomatic relations, lots of Japanese investment and Turkish respect for Japan's economic capacity. That's been very stable.

At the beginning, I'm giving you all these reasons why the Global South is a thing, and now we're running into yeah, they all feel that way and yet, they don't have the same developed economies, the same developed diplomatic capability. What they can actually do to their day-to-day economic statecraft, their day-to-day diplomacy is necessarily more constrained than the sort of aspirational or ideological alignment that we are nonetheless seeing.

Potolicchio: To finish our tour around the global south, Ian, I want to get your thoughts on South Africa, and then Brazil.

Bremmer: I'd say South African citizens, and certainly the government, broadly view rich countries as very comfortable to do nothing to address the inequalities that exist between them and Africa. South Africa's view is that they should never, an African country, should never enter any engagements with rich countries with a begging bowl and they should never walk away from negotiations being satisfied with being fed table scraps. That's really this, I mean, kind of still feeling that they're at the wrong end of a neocolonial set of policies. Certainly, you see a lot of that in their rhetoric, diplomatically, but they're also calling on other African countries to push for trade and diplomatic relations with rich nations that don't just focus on extraction of raw materials, and no value add, but also scientific knowledge and skills transfers and partnerships on a more equal footing, like what China has been doing over the last 20-30 years, which has gotten them out of the Global South.




