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ニューズウィーク日本版 / 2023年9月23日 18時0分


What is Global South?

Speaker: Dr. Ian Bremmer, President of Eurasia Group
Interviewer: Prof. Sam Potolicchio, Founding Executive Director of American Councils For International Education's Center for Global Leadership, Lecturer at Georgetown University

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Potolicchio: Dr. Bremmer, it's turning into an annual tradition to consult you as the world gets more uncertain and unstable. Your top risk for 2023 was a "Rogue Russia". The Global South is becoming an increasingly influential player in mediating this conflict. So I ask you, how do you define the term "Global South" and why does it matter how we analyze this concept now?

Bremmer: You go back to the collapse of the Soviet Union and you have this presumption of a couple of things. First, that democracy is going to be the true North of the Globe, and it's just a question of how you get folks integrated. Globalization - same thing, you're creating a global middle class over 50 years, which means that emerging markets, the developing world is becoming developed in the process of emerging, it's a transitional phase.




