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ニューズウィーク日本版 / 2023年9月23日 18時0分

China, which you would have considered to be developing sort of 10 years ago, certainly 20 years ago, you wouldn't call a part of the Global South, in part because they are so, so much more powerful, in part because they're the largest creditor to the developing world, to the Global South, in part because they're the largest carbon emitter. China is still a relatively poor country, a middle income country, $12,000 per capita, but you wouldn't refer to them as the Global South. So with all of those caveats, I do find that the Global South is an increasingly useful way to think about a growing geopolitical cleavage that is important, is disruptive, and needs to be addressed.

Certainly, when you speak to the leaders of the G7, the Americans, the Europeans, the Japanese, they are all highly aware that they are largely not doing well with the Global South and they need to find a way to address that. I hear that in almost identical terms from all of those government leaders, all of them.

Potolicchio: Let's zero in on the fastest riser of the Global South. What's your analysis with India?




