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ニューズウィーク日本版 / 2023年9月23日 18時0分

The last decade, if it's taught us anything, is that there are big structural challenges with that worldview. One is that we no longer have the Americans driving globalization. The second is that it's no longer clear that democracy is winning, in terms of the aspirational trajectory of different countries. Third, the developing world, most of which has indeed, gotten wealthier, nonetheless, now generally feels like they are not heading towards convergence with the West and the West isn't really trying to help them.

There are lots of reasons for that. You look at the inshoring and the friendshoring and the industrial policy in the United States and coordinated with Europe and Japan, you look at the consolidation of the G7. Suddenly, you also look at the trends towards automation, deep learning and AI in particular, and well, who's going to drive the next 20-30 years to help ensure that the Global South continues to develop, continues to emerge? Then, of course, we had three years of pandemic and they revealed preferences from The West: we're not going to help you all that much, it is every country for itself.




