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  4. 国際総合


ニューズウィーク日本版 / 2023年9月23日 18時0分

Then, of course, you've got the war in Russia and now, the Grain Deal that the Russians have just pulled out of. Who's going to make sure they get the grain? Who's going to make sure they get the LNG? It's going to be the wealthy countries. The poor countries are stuck with higher prices, greater starvation, and coal. Finally, you have got climate change. The countries that are going to be hit the hardest by climate change are frequently the ones that haven't even been able to benefit from the industrialization that got us the climate change. Technology for post-carbon is getting cheaper but it's not like the West is providing significant amounts of support that would allow the poorest countries to effectively make that transition.

So for all of these reasons, the so-called developing world or the lower developed nations and the middle developed nations are increasingly finding that they have something in common with each other. That commonality is that their interests are not being served in the 21st century and they don't feel like they can count on The West. Now, there's a lot of differentiation inside this grouping, of course.




