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ニューズウィーク日本版 / 2023年9月23日 18時0分

Certainly, his foreign and defense policy team shares that view. I would say, hostility towards China is bipartisan in India, the same way it is in The United States. Though, there is skepticism about The United States inside some of Modi's team, particularly from the Hindu right, because they look back at America's Pakistan legacy, the Muslim population, not surprisingly, as well as the far left, who see The United States as great Satan/imperialist. But urban youth are showing very strong pro-US sentiment. Overall, I'd argue that Indians are the most pro-US among the Global South, you see that from Pew Research.

You talk about the Quad, you talk about India's ideas of decoupling, you look at Modi's recent trip to the United States, all of the technology investment that's happening from The United States, in particular into India, so what you really see here, if that's the way you start, you say, "Wow!"

In the run-up to the G20 Summit, after consulting all sorts of countries around the Global South, they basically decided that India sees an opportunity to expand its profile, especially along the Indian Ocean, Red Sea Golf, undermining China, and securing resources for itself. It also has some low-cost, digital green technology and infrastructure stories to sell to the Global South, though it lacks resources and certainly lacks administrative capability. It is pushing for Global South-oriented solutions within the G20, which it's chairing right now. They've been organizing, essentially, a G10 of the Global South, including China in this case, especially on climate to coordinate a common agenda there. Now, I would say that secondary to the tilt towards the west, but it still is important. He does want to be the face of cooperation within the Global South, he doesn't want that to happen without India, and he certainly likes the idea of using its chairmanship of the G20 as cover.




