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ニューズウィーク日本版 / 2023年9月23日 18時0分

Bremmer: India is the one that certainly the Americans feel like they've done the best job. Modi is the most popular, democratically-elected leader of any major democracy in the world. He really wants to define his international legacy as building a much stronger relationship, specifically with The United States. That is not exclusively because of, but largely because of a very deep-seated problematic relationship with China and increasingly, China's proxy Pakistan. What we've seen as Modi being on a sharp pro-US and pro-Western curve over the last decade, he did not think that The US would be easy to work with in 2014, when he became a leader.

Today, he truly thinks that The US along with Japan, are India's best partners for the economic and the technological transformation that he envisages for India. As I said, it helps that he sees China as India's number one threat and he seeks to keep China out of India's frontier economic sectors, and also believes that The United States and The West, more broadly, will help them accomplish that.




